1. She.
    ‘It is like living in a rabbit hutch’ She often said emphatically and metaphorically, and He replied with
    a shrug, nothing to say in reply. It was; and it would take long enough to pay for. Four rooms. Eight-floors up,
    eight flights of long turning concrete rubbish chute and stairs, and fire escape, for when the elevators did not
    function anyway, which was often and took days sometimes to repair. A balcony open passageway at the front,
    looking over the street below, now starting to become busy with traffic. They had lived with his parents for a
    time, and then after they were married, in a small rented flat in The City, before they needed to afford
    somewhere to live together, and to bring-up their two small children.
    Both saved, and with some financial help from relatives (deceased) they had managed to get this
    place. When the housing market was ‘buoyant’, and mortgages easy to get. The Home was bought with a loan, a promissory note, deposited and co-lateraled together with their combined lives and the home itself. They were
    afloat. Both worked to pay-off the loan, which although it was supposed to re-duce each year did not seem ever
    to keep up with pay and prices. The loan would anyway be paid-off many times over if they were ever to pay off
    the debt. If this place was ever to become their own owned nothing to pay-back; then, if they managed to keep
    paying-off the loan for the ‘Shelter from the Storm’ as they called Home. That they did not actuarily now own,
    and may not ever, actually own, lose-lose. To sell-back at Market Price, the difference between the paid-back
    buying-price and selling-price, and of which they would have lost completely to The Bank…The Mortgage
    Their Home-Mortgage rent no(t)()-insurance their assured-pension against dire-poverty and
    homelessness. No social-recourse and be homeless, to parents and over-crowding again, or with friends
    similarly fixed, sofa-surfing their home, such as-it-was de-faulted, re-possessed. A two-bedroom apartment, she
    thought of: kitchen, lounge, shower-bathroom toilet and tiny balcony onto the world below, between them and
    the sky above. Each day, each month, and each successive year into the unthinkable future; two-thirds of two-
    lifetimes at least, two-thirds every month of what they were both paid-in wages-for-work earned.
    She did the household accounts, and she knew.
    The Home. The Loan. Would have been paid for several times over by the time if ever it became theirs and The Childrens’; and perhaps even their Grandchildrens’ by the time the shared-property many-floored building was un-inhabitable, de-molished land let-again, built-on freehold not-leasehold extended for-bonus payment un-earned…re-build in the new style, in a traditional place, or otherwise breaking into home farmland and ocean beyond.
    But that is the nature of the human animal, is it not? To do over, and be done-over to again and again she thought want more and more, for less and less and in the quiet mind wandering moment of pillared door, a room, a table, a bed let go and a bed sheet left behind ready to be buried with perhaps as they did in the olden- times shrouded as now by thin curtains pulled-back.
    Each-Day: like a two-step forward and quick-step fox trot later backwards one-step…
    Home and Away.
    Worked to pay-off the loan on the house and to pay for and cook food, with bills and
    extras, clothes, and nights-out occasionally.
    Maybe once a month, or not at all.
    Then He had been laid-off work at The Bakery.
    Three-day-week and three day’s wages.
    The Home mortgage was re-negotiated and they continued struggling to pay-off the loan and other loans, credited and directly debited debt from what they both earned together.
    There was never an issue of who would earn more, and be the main breadwinner, they both earned
    more or less the same low wages
    as most the people who worked and they would do the most caring
    of each other and the children: the unpaid responsibilities shared around the home, and in the world of work.
    Shopping and holidays and other friends and family out there.
    All indebted, or in credit day2day. Week to week, month to next month, years, minute-by-minute. They
    were equal, without even having to think about it or confront societies and others’ false expectations of gender
    and families.
    They were equal in debt and credit, and supported each other’s frail and fragile egos with a natural
    equanimity respectful and loving…
    Each contributing their best and differently in-differently knowingly to make the whole; whole.#
    It’s not all doom and gloom She did often think, and he tried not to think on it.
    The homily homely claustrophobia only had to be relieved by going out. To the cinema, to a bar or
    restaurant. But that was not very often de-finitely now there were children as well.
    Sel-dom. did extras make their mark, clothes bought carefully a piece at a time, re-placement rather
    than extravagance.
    The cupboards filled with groceries and emptied by the time the next weeks shopping is needed and the
    next week’s earnings…already spent.
    She was awake, first this morning, and she got up from the bed on which he still lay awake but not yet awake enough to leave its’ night-time warmth. She went through to the next room. The bedroom led across the narrow-passage to the living room, which led directly to the tiny gallery kitchen and balcony on one side and door to the front room, on the other side balcony corridor and more doors along.
    Except it wasn’t the front-room, exactly fronting only unlike the Front-Room of her-childhood playing on the
    street and door directly to the rugged ragged matted smell of cooking from the stone wall white-washed country kitchen. Uhpstairs two bed-rooms and on the gallery landing for the children
    and a closet room to flush away with a basin of water from the kitchen sink-tap and toilet-well into the slurry sump, where you could hear it ‘slurry’ all the way down, filtered to spray on fields all around; and then back downstairs to replace the water from the kitchen-tap and outside clean-well.
    Pumped-up from the well, refilling the fired china clay bowl for washing and zinc-metal bucket, ready
    for the next use.
    Log grabbing toughened steel plasma-cutters hydraulic-ram chassis panel welded together.
    Put-together giant wheels axle brake
    Pumping-oil to cool the engines’ turbo diesel s-carbed grapple telescopic arms the claw car-crusher Mattress-shredder then the skid-board tracking
    Carbon-fibre e-road automobiles solar-panels
    Wind-farming blades and wave-machines
    Generating heat&power and swimming in clean-air&water:

Low-No: installation& maintenance#
<Cost yr/yr.
Apparently, free.
At her first childhood home, bed-time children first, then the adults. Rats nested runs, beetles and
cockroaches were kept away by the domesticated cats and dogs that shared the yard and house with horses at the local stables for the carts and filed machinery; to ride, at week-end day-off, and many Holy
Days. Each week, several times into the market town for food supplies, and the children’s treats.
Their whole world a Living Market Place of Work Trust and Play.
Now, great enclosed parked superstores and supermarkets and factory outlet warehouse.
Where goods are now transported she thought of: to-and-fro and by foot and horses’ hoofs carried and
motor vehicle, train and massive-tanker and container-ship
electric-like cutting through the air
Or the hydrogen&helium of outer-space
A one-metre flight through almost nothingness
One-click: Low-No-cost subscription no-way out…
< N/nnn…paid-up…again and again.

  • From the docks and airport, at the city harbour hub humming away, remote yet directing everyday life, everywhere.
    Exorbitant-Political Business-Trips
    Media-control: Holiday Passengers, and Freight Cargo.
    The affordable flight, to get-away from-it-all: a change; a charge necessary move, once in a while, and
    not at-all.
    Every year; but, to visit family here and there and elsewhere, or else you’d go stir-crazy.
    Do a night-time flit, flip! leave the rent, the mortgage, un-paid.
    Only, to otherwise keep on fighting for the bargains: cheap-est with-in budget, to get through to the
    Next-day and the day-after-that.
    When debts and fines could not be paid, the debt collector bailiffs.
    The-Auctioneer: selling- off of the personal possessions; sometimes, on the Global Markets;
    and then sold-out: the personal; and, T.V. public…the laptop computer on-sleep and awakened, opened, placed on the table, booted-up and She
    blogged instantaneously her-thoughts:

We all need a roof over our heads…and to put Food on the Table! without any other word or contextual continuity that did not remain obvious to this early morning.

Everyone and anyone in the same and similar circumstances getting the same hastily tapped-out messages excluding, those without tablet, home or food; and those with patently far too-much those who employed had an Administration to do that for them and her-thought continued in the context of the mindful moment and that which we all have to pay extortionately for over and again even when the food is eaten and the crap washed away there remains a nasty stain, a nasty taste.
Original wages sweated over day upon day, and loans ever in negative equity to who?
Income-Tax&Corporation-Tax paid/un-paid through government-deal(s):
Extortionate debt-interest credit-profit and volatile prices, losses on last-accounts records ever higher BINGO!
and pay…ex-terminating…share-prices collapsed…
Looking up, and down again now, not in dejection, but circumspection against ever apparent possible failure.
With desperate optimism, toward un-realistic perfectionism.
Only mechanized buffer-traffic building-up as soon as into a busy rush-hour congestion be-low… Cars and buses, bicycles, motorbike and motorized delivery truck from here, only another view.
two-sides; and every side…
the bedrooms along the passage corridor
the sleeping children slept, earlier peeked into soundless in beautiful dream or dreamless seemingly startling worrying death-checked for breathing.
Crossing from night into daytime TV remotely automatically turned on, confirmation, that
life goes on…
The living-room she entered bore all the chatter and the silence of one who listens. Still and safe, cosy and secure. The other rooms took over the emotions and needs: sleep and food, love and silly serious and abated arguments. The central room, the central chamber, looked on and awaited eventual, almost inevitable, but never certain re-conciliation, and rest.
Indulged-in social-(e) vents, noisy chatter and quiet evenings indoors.
The furniture was adequate and filled the room. Table, chairs, television, a drawer and shelved cabinet standing against a wall, displaying various special icons; plastic flowers family photographs in frames, a portrait of a film star, or a print of a famous oil painting.
Ornaments, statuettes, figures of worship and of novelty. The furniture, the infrastructure, from the
livelihoods and eventually the roof over our heads…’in over our heads’ heard as if originally spoken.
There were unopened envelopes and cajoling leaflet advertisement: everything: pay4Media:
Kill your debts! Die debts!
she thought of letters and bills for payment, propped up behind a ticking clock.
There was a picture postcard from someone-else’s holiday forming a picturesque frontage to hide the stack of demands for reply and payment which lay beyond.
She-drewback the curtains and looked out of the window across the balcony, with its unflowering plants growing in flower-pots. There was a real still rising mistiness outside from the early morning warming; and she gazed over an area where many lived, and it seemed to her, this morning, where they too just only lived-out their lives: day to day, week to week, minute-to-minute…
They too thought to-themselves as she looked-out onto the dawn of a gradually opening new day that
the world must have always been this way.

  1. They.
    They had stayed together and with two little ones, one of each, girl and boy by the time they’re both about to be in school, they could not risk another to bring up, and the cost of it. They only hoped they would hold on to their jobs and they worked hard. Difficult hours, and some days-off. When the rota’s didn’t workout for childcare, family or neighbours, parents now friends of the children’s nursey and school friends who lived conveniently nearby, the social network from the cradle to nursery school to work to death to grave-given…
    They had met when things were starting to get a bit tight, to get difficult again.
    Meaning the
    situation for most working families, for those looking for work and those in work things had not got any better; any easier, really.
    During the so-called Good-Times and both parents were needed in credit and debt, to work to keep the family going…
    Voluntary social-networks antithesis
    Anti-social behaviour became all the more significant
    To: reciprocal SharedCare and
    Circles of Support.
    With child and adult inter-action social and meaningful,
    Shared-Lives. They had both kept their jobs in more or less ‘essential services’ although
    not without the job-cuts, longer the hours never-the-less, ever the less, ever the more, when things got difficult all a-round. When the Bakery Factory where He and Family lived&worked, went on three-days week, and pay to match. He, had more time to be with the children, and helped the same with her awkward shiftwork at the garment factory, and later She at the hospital, for the Children, then training there, working there. he had done some building work on the odd-days, to fill-in.
    She had done some shop-work and garment-making before all the ‘Shop Jobs’ Retail’, were filled,
    and not-hiring. Not selling either. Queen of Queues at the cash-tills to no-one at the field-tills home-farm filed-fields closed for bankruptcy. They had moved to his folks in The City then: suburbs really, inner-urban, something-lik(e)that.
    His mother had worked at The Old Mill and got her a job there; and then Him at The Bakers’ Factory, at the top of the road. When and where, the area they had moved to with Family and friendly neighbours nearby already there: People, their people…
    They had moved-in together; and had kids.
    Social response to industrial tech-revolution generational confuse price/cost value to shareholders, themselves, Pen(s)ions&In(s)u®ances lies-trust broken-trust rent/profit free from well-being gross domestic product&notproduct money…
    FARM-HOME. ELITE not-middle working-class
    Income2spend from Public/Private
    Capita(l)-banks channelling opportunities liberal physiocrats
    Benevolent zillionaires…
    Steady. 20% Family Equity
    Capital Communally taken as given and worked harder for more, less hard for less, but none less than the Universal Domestic Income (UDI).
    His father’s family had been transient, transitory migrant millers, horses, wheat and grain, before that, gypsies, owned business.
    Machinery, finding digging the wells, water, oil from the oil swamp, brick building and tarmac road, growing taking fruits and nuts from the side of vegetable and allotment gardens.
    Did well.
    Moving around other-farm to other-farm, funnily enough she thought like Business-People nowadays do… Looking across the roads, below, leading to The City. To: The Airport to visit: Sales-People: to the Re-tail
    Biggest Shops in the World: BSW in other words: Big Business Commuting by-airplane as They might, if They could afford to. To: go on Holiday. Abroad. They, to meet Clients Meetings’ here and there and everywhere. Cities all over, to do deals on a massive Global-Scale, then worth millions, now worth billions and trillions quadrillions of whatever the currency.
    Sometimes-dealing, unevenly, unbalanced, in the local and World currencies themselves exponentially they marked an inverse ever increasing and decreasing rate of ex-change.
    They took on a Shop Franchise Family-Bank loan to rent and stock and share.
    In the past when the work dried-up, landfill fertiliser, phosphate-polluted arsenic-poisoned wells and
    rivers and seas and Oceans…
    His Gypsy ‘family ‘moved along’ as they were constantly told.
    Or, stayed with their stores. Shares of the crops of the fields, and water, natural and free from the
    Clean-air and water-well waited, weighted looking- for different and more labour Corporate-City: farms&factoryies time&motion…
    She thought of them, then her own family. Out of work, they always found something. Fed themselves from great-gardens and small-farmyards. When the work was finished, they moved on. When the Great-
    Corporate moved-in, took over, sold-off Master-Slavery Corporate-style servant-salaried first month free wage- worker weekly, daily, hpourly by the minute: along the roads and waterways, they, her family, had a farm in the countryside for a while, and the parents, lived there. Hers. Through the Industrial now Techno-Future: The Soul of The City commute only tumultuous-Towns and vicious-Villages. Across the River, across the tram tracks, and railway, by the station. The Heart of the City.
    Just beyond The ROAD&RAIL AIR ALL PORTS signage.
    Settling-in. The-City. Walled and castellated.
    Transport and Trade-hub thronged and His parents self-employed en-thron(ed.) their own bosses;
    contractors, worked-out on the Building Sites of Towering Sky-Scrapers lining:
    The River and lit-up, from the Sun.
    Oceanic flag-sails in the wind.
    Her-Family. Employed, not their own boss.
    Both, as themselves, on some land, renting, from they pay.
    Then, they… He and She eventually, buying:
    Home-Owners, now. Investors in their own future, and their children’s children, and their’s owned, in-return.
    Like: The Home-property itself, capable of being, and being dis-owned propertyies owning
    Not strictly-speaking
    Legal&General traditional owned anyway.

But, for the Mortgage Home-Owners H.O. Corporations and Companies, and now indebted to sums

Monthly affordability or-not.
The-Bank(s). Building and Maintenance Trades. Education, Social-Care and Good-Health first… taxied to meetings and desks. School, HomeWork. Out-and-Out working: Home-Owners and Private and
Publicly Rented-Sector: Community Housing-Association(s) and: under-val(u)(ed.):
Market- Economy: low-interest rates low-wages affordable-payments #4×1% rates
To: 9%.
69% late at the office
To: 90% self-Employed advertising tax-paying costs and prices up and down depending on what side of the Power-Play had been Won.
Every second milli-second playing in relation(s) to each-other…
Next. FCUK.

  • Soon the television was blaring as usual in the morning. In the main room that was empty again for the moment, and beyond where she was now dressing hurriedly, and he was brushing his hair frantically.
    There was the noise of children getting washed and dressed, with incessant commentary and conversation to each other, and any other, or just to themselves.
    To each other a one-way argument. Older to younger incited over some triviality, shouted back in frustration. At that point the only-game-in-town, and to be fought-out until one of them is crying, and the other shouting-the-odds; before calm is brought.
    Evens by one or other parent, supervising, managing, supposedly, to each-other, at least while they all got ready for work, school and pre-school nursery. The sound of the kettle screaming on the kitchen cooker; and television advertisements conveying to deaf ears, and blind eyes, but perhaps receptive memory:
    ‘The Best in the World’; Or:
    ‘Longer-lasting’ or whatever the dubious selling point perhaps to be unconsciously recalled later that day, at the supermarket.
    At present they seemed to be of no avail, both rushed to get the children to school, and themselves out to work. To earn the pay that would pay the prices at the Super-Market later that day:
    ‘Where is my shirt?’ he called:
    ‘Where you last put it!’ she retorted as She entered the living room. She found her shoes under a chair and stopped in front of the television. The networked advertisements ended and the programme returned to the main story of the day:
    ‘Today there is no money to pay share dividends, or to buy shares with…’
    She flicked a channel and got:
    ‘Group and individual share prices have collapsed or become so high that they have become worthless…’
    ‘Confidence has collapsed, debt un-diminished…’
    ‘Price increases have been blamed. Increases in pay and pensions have been blamed. Increases in
    Business-Bank Personal-Investment interest-rates and maximizing profit-levels at any cost, have been blam(ed.) Each of these, has pushed share prices ever upwards. As cost and share prices and shop prices overtake the customers’ ability to pay and the ability to pay pushes prices-up, and costs pushes pay-down…’
    ‘Not pay-up&prices down then?’
    < >Profit margins narrowed > Man-Date. Re-captured only by increases in:
    Reading-screen: Interest rates on banking and other loans, have pushed share prices up even further on costs and price…’ and a view passed across the screen to locked Factory-Gates and closed down Hospital corridor(s0)…
    De-fence: Air: Ports and Sea and Land-Borders: closed to traffic or trade. It did not seem too bad, or even unusual: the Television Experts and announcers liked to make a big deal out of anything She thought: it was their jobs after all. The pictures shifting shift(ed.) to City Office-Buildings.
    Steeled glass to the very Sky! that only a few were being allowed into; and then to the squares and circuses around Town and City Centres. All over the globe, all the streets and roads and highways leading there.
    A TV reporter turned away from the camera, and let the scene, somewhere else: could be anywhere else, speak for itself. In the kitchen radio-reports followed from the stock-markets around the world:
    ‘Tokyo Nikkei Shanghai Shenzhen Hang Seng Bangkok: Dubai-Delhi: Bombay: Carib. Africa-
    Saudi-UAE: Israel and Egyptian Stock Exchanges…’
    ‘RTS Moscow Deutche Frankfurt Cape-Town London… and Canada Stock Exchanges: New York Wall
    Street and Rio…’
    ‘Iran-Dubai: Trading-Ports for Oil&Money…’
    ‘Defensive-position(s): Buenos Aires to Lima…’
    ‘China. Venezuela and Bolivia. Bots-Wana to Brazil: JSE Securities Nairobi and Nigerian, and
    Sydney Stock-Exchanges…’ as she went to look for tea-bags. He got the cups out and put some bread under the
    grill to toast.
    As the cups were emptied and the door was opened to go-out: The Stock-Market Reports were interrupted by the radio-announcer:
    ‘We have heard in the last few minutes that The International Conference of Governments and World Banks meeting in Geneva are to make statements, at midday mean-time, on the current state of financial affairs across the globe. The Economic Crises’ around the world…’
    They stopped and looked at each other as they heard the announcement:
    ‘What will they come up with this time I wonder?’ She asked aloud to him and to the radio speaker and
    as she went to the bathroom door:
    ‘Come on you two!’ to the children, and to him in the same breath:
    ‘What time are you finishing today?’
    ‘On Lates!’ his reply; with a shrug, noticed, as she said:
    ‘I’ll have to clock off early then, get a re-placement:’ and She thought another opportunity to sack-me, but if school finishes before work what are we supposed to do?
    ‘I’m taking them in, anyway!’ he called.
    ‘I know!’, she replied:
    ‘We will have to go to the SuperMarket tonight.’ added knowingly: a reluctant necessity when it came
    to it:
    ‘Or tomorrow anyway…’ as she kissed him on the lips, quickly, tantalizingly, knowingly this weekly and often daily shopping trip is what they did all this for.
    Along with the mortgage-rent and love of their family and children smiling he went out of the door, onto the communal hallway:
    ‘Another financial crisis!’
    He called out, with more than a note of sarcasm, which did not need any reply, other than a disinterested:
    ‘Is there?’
    She went back inside the living room, and went to turn the television off, as the announcement of the impending declaration from government leaders and world banks were being repeated:
    ‘Won’t make any difference!’
    She shouted over the noise of the
    ‘…never does!’

She left the house soon afterwards.

  1. He.
    He took the stairs with the children, two-at-a-time one in a pushchair, the other just learning to walk, and they headed-off together for The HERE&NOW Corner Shop turning at the top of the road, pushing the baby buggy uphill, the as if unmade pavement now, in disrepair.
    Showing, the lack of maintenance through the good times, as well as the now financial recession, austerityies desperate times. Telling The Walker as He and She said to each other in jest the children laughed at that…Child no-longer holding on to the buggy called-out to:
    ‘Hold on to the buggy’ answering the constant questions:
    ‘What’s this?’; and: ‘What is that?’ at the same time and having to say:
    ‘Be careful!’ every second, and:
    ‘Stop! making me have to say:
    ‘Be Careful’ every second!’ and they giggling together, at what, he knew not what.
    Not even imagining a time when he and She would not be going to work, and the-children to school and nursery, then keeping them in Our-Dotage: going to pick-up the fallen.
    Walking running-off child grabbing the perambulator again, and continued walking hand-in-hand on at the road:
    ‘Do Not Walk!’ pictured then:
    ‘Do Not Run!’
    The walking-child only hearing the last-word as usual:
    ‘Run!’ to the other-sibling:
    ‘Walk!’ and the-other wondering what all the shouting was about, and running:
    ‘Stop! at the edge!’ hearing all the words this time: more thoughtfully the-elder:
    ‘O.K?’ then:
    ‘Walk. O.K.!’ trying out these new words heard from them and at school.
    ‘Walk. Stop!’ and stopping in the middle of the pedestrian pavement.
    To get collided into and rolling on the ground giggling in the middle of the road! getting-up and running-off laughing, looking backwards,
    ‘STOP!’ at the corner, turning into the next junction:
    ‘Stop! at the Road! Kerb. Pav(e)ment…pedestrian…’
    He catching up, pushing the pushchair ahead, the walker hanging-on, over the kerb and into the road.
    Looking both ways, and then both ways again.
    Then back again, one last way this time: too quickly…going to Run! the way the traffic was headed, moving slowly, one car stopped, busy with traffic and pedestrians a polite hand to let them across, to a wave returned.
    Watching-out, for all three; and to the oncoming-traffic split by traffic-lights commanding:
    Stop, Start, or
    Pause…to the other side to the other safety-kerb:
    Children chasing on ahead to HERE&NOW Corner Shop.
    The ‘little-one’ in the buggy trying to get out to follow, shouting, and pointing with one, then both indexfingers, toward the road:
    ‘Taxi!’ swivelling around almost falling-out.
    Pointing, ahead:
    ‘Taxi-Bus!’ the other returning, giggling:
    ‘A Taxi!’ correcting POSHish country teacherly-voice, and then it seemed as if they passed the:
    ‘Shop!’ pleading verbally and non-verbally tugging and whining for sugary sweets:
    ‘The-HERE&NOW!!’ the other:
    ‘Helicopter!’ shouted-heat camera-singing and pointing and swiveling around again:
    ‘Sweets!’ categorically usually not until they came home from school and nursery.
    Even then only some days, and if they had been good at school or nursery. But always worth a try…. pointing jumping up-and-down, on the buggy the other falling-out of buckles unbuckled by the older one:
    ‘As long as you two be-have yourselves today, and they’re not too-bad for your teeth, and you clean your teeth!’ they knew that.
    Giggling both, all the more, at some reference only they knew.
    To the words, the noises, and the tone of voice, the bedtime:
    ‘Clean your teeth!’ pause:
    ‘Properly!!’ The older-one repeated, and they went into more fits of giggles into the Newsagentcomegreengrocers preserved and processed foods and confectionary shop and sometime tobacco cigarette and Alcohol&Tobacco FAGS&MAGS. licensed off-licence like FOOD&FUEL. HERE&NOW as where He, and She, and They stopped each morning, for bread, or a newspaper. On the way to Nursery&School, when it was His turn, always the possibility of both half-mythical and real: after-school sweets maybe as well.
    As they crashed through the door the older one getting deliberately, or so it seemed in the way of the socalled by the sarcastic sardonic caustic almost-Elder ‘Baby-Buggy’ bragging asserting rights over the other smaller and weaker and re-leased both leaning-up at the shop-counter not un- usually; but, always pre-dictably in the morning rush-hours with so many other things to think about the only- thought un-able to think about anything-else:
    Children! Shopping tonight? outloud:
    ‘Children! Shopping tonight! Newspaper? Teeth-rotting Sweeties?’ The buggy almost tipped over in the
    raucous, the older one falling over the younger, strapped-in, before strained at the straps, snapping painfully- back. Letting out an ear-piercing yell. The Older-One: still giggling, until the younger stood lashed-out as only younger siblings know how too and the older one let out a Yell! then a Scream! apparently exaggerated explication of pain from both now and claims of un-fairness (I)d(i)ot! StooooooopPID! etc.
    ‘Come-on you’re the Older One, you should know better! Do you have to have to fight and argue over everything! No sweets!’ and then he knew, as soon as He said that that he was A Beaten Man.
    A yet louder exclamation set-up.
    While the younger looking on in glee, quieted and puzzled, twisted turned looking upwards to The
    Father for some re-solution to the questioning plea and fell out of the buggy, unbuckled:
    ‘Me a’ well?’
    Looking up from the floor, the older standing and going to stamp on the younger, smiling sweetly now, the other sprawled on the floor as if felled:
    ‘Smiling Assassin!’ He called-out from the front of the shop, in reference to the older child, and to
    The Shopkeeper who was stacking shelves from remaining stock.
    He, holding-up the regular National-Newspaper, the Shopkeeper called:
    ‘Deaf-Blind Dumb-Assassin(s):’ looking at the newspaper on the counter-pane:
    ‘Botched. Act-of-Terror.’ pointing to the front-page of one of the ’paper-rags display(ed.):
    State-sponsored. And
    Q’Ban The-Markets…
    ‘I know.’ nudging toward the TV screen playing silently with caption banner date/time/place:
    ‘You may as well keep that…’ to the loose-change coins being handed over the counter:
    ‘…it will be like one of those Free-Ones!’ hearing, and not listened-to until later scanning the headline:
    WORLD MARKETS IN TURMOIL! the money left on the shop-counter chuckling when the remark-
    ‘No, I got it!’ minding:
    The-Children who were not fighting but pretending to steal, sweets, not knowing any better yet, knowing better; laughing, and looking obvious.
    The Shopkeeper bagged and handed over most of what it was he and the children wanted, pointed at with shrill voices
    ‘There you are, for later…your Dads’ change!’ the customary-sweet as a-counter-gift now in-change sometimes anyway for a small note passed across the counter.
    From the Father and then the Shopkeeper to them and then him:
    ‘Daddy keep sweets…’
    ‘For later.’
    The Children looking pleased, and anxious-also, that they too might have to ‘keep-for-later’ with only the then-conditional:
    ‘And only if you are both Good To-Day…’
    ‘All Day.’ The-Shopkeeper added.
    The emotional and ethical merged into puzzlement.
    Sweets given to the father-patiently waiting to get away to nursery, school, and work. Again consternation, put-on, by the older child, to the younger. Pouting, dropped lower-lip. Acting-out, pretending, face pulling puzzled-at and copied by the younger. Both suddenly laughing at this, and between themselves at something they did not really know what it was to be Good or: All-Day, or To-Day; how, or what, it was, to attain this thing, one of sOh-many, s0-many, different-thing(s)…the-good.
  2. The Banker and The Clerk.
    The investment merchant-Banker sat-back and glanced across at the administrative accounts’-Clerk, sat-in the opposite seat, a fixed-table between travelling on this same-train same-time, same-carriage. For the-Clerk the same-seat, if that or any other was to be had amongst the everyday commuters seated and a few standings; today, usually crammed-in each weekday, early-morning into The-City.
    For the-Banker, this day too-early for the usual-reservation. With, or today without, waiter-served breakfast, or a free-morning newspaper. Only those freely given-away and piled-up in the station forecourt to be taken-away that had to be paid-for anyway by publicising the latest model and version, and most reasonablyies priced.
    Like copies of The Big Issue sold-on by Homeless-people in Metropolis’ around the world: no such thing as a free-lunch the-Banker reasoned.
    First-Class: The Financial-Newspaper paid-for anyway by The Railway Company: Public-Private Infra-
    Intra Structur(ed.):ticket-seated and breakfasted comfortably with:
    The-Financial Newspaper at massively dis-counted market-rate cost-price freely as-advertising encouraging in-someway paid-for, and for: returns…on-credit.
    The Newspaper could be easily afforded, anyway. Today’s loss-leader, tomorrow’s winner paid-for upfront from the station kiosk, day upon day. The Newspapers Times In-Corporate-Investment: at-least knowingly borrowed-on:perma-Credit: Merit: StaffCost(s): paid-off and on continuing steady-sales to be recouped; shorted: Shorting bets on wall st etc stocks doesn’t matter whate currency against currency cost-price selling change: 35:00 change :43 etc. supply-demand delivery daily and long-termwork- investment…achieved…pay-back:
    Today, The Newspaper not given-away with the extortionately and exclusively permissive over-priced pass-paid for this day into the City’ Stock-Exchanges and Financial-Markets.
    Staff-costs (some) and paper&inks (some,one) red-top commie or capitalist broad-sheet side-issues to distract worked-well.
    Included free advert-magazine as affecting the World, obviously.
    The Annual-Executive rail-ticket and newspapers paid-for, whether used, read(ed.), or-not.
    This day the first train out and apparently between all carriages only Standard-class available.
    A single First-class carriage was filled-up quickly by anyone who had a ticket and conceivably some who did-not: there were no-tickets being checked or paid-for apparently the barriers left-open and inviting all- comers…
    For the-Banker, for another-time that morning, something mildly, now-seconded, and markedly unusual. The earlier, when the radio alarm-clock had switched-on routinely with the early-morning fishing, farming, road, and rail conditions.
    Airline and shipping delays, arrivals, and departures, and speculative forecasts: weather-reports, from around the world.
    Local, and global, political-economic and media-news: with the previous-nights’ closing market-prices from around The World…there had been developments overnight, that needed attending-to.
    From the emptying platform, the-Banker and the-Clerk boarded the train together more or less equal.
    The-Clerk with a Free-Advertising Newspaper and Headphones, plugged-in to a mobile Media-Centre. TheBanker with a bought-copy of The Financial-Newspaper from the trains’ limited half-empty double-decker, food and drinks re-freshments’ trolley.
    Having taken the first seat-available in the nearest Standard-Class compartment coupled with a foulstench reeking drain-leaking latrine literally retching between the brown and grey-green patterned-seats along the narrow aisleway, the-Banker waving the newspaper ahead as if to clear-the-air.
    Un-wavering when shunted across by the next-passenger inline, to the only vacant window-seat glanced across-to and sedentarily leaned-forward across the table between them and asked of the-Clerk, already sat downopposite:
    ‘So, what do you make of it all, then?’ in the customary easy clear voice of one-born with the interrogative confidence of swift appraisal.
    As in-stantly as-if mysteriously-accusatory…as if with some felt need for validation-tested violentvalediction, justification, testimony, guilt?
    Even before any evidential fact, or fiction?
    With a self and other-deceiving finality, justifying, with instant-conviction…but of who? By whom? Despite the original opening-question, it seemed as if with no real right-of-reply. The initial conversationalquestion asked as if intended-not to be replied-to or any other-mindedly mitigating circumstances or any answer-at all, particularly, or generally, listened-to.
    Or so the younger-Clerk surprised to be spoken-to then considered: perhaps like a nature-nurture kind
    of thing? Possibly a-Plebeian enquiry? Selected-standard flagged with no-probation the-Clerk decided: more likely a command, to make something of IT, and to-be-taken-notice-of.
    Notice-given of anyway dis-regarding of the possibly-paranoid maniacal rhetorical-answer awaited, or
    not, by either, or Both, regardless of the-Other: The subtler-Inquisitor? The Quicker to-the- Draw?
    BanditQueen? The original-recipients by-assumption looking-up from a streaming mobile smart-phone camera and videogames-console: USB-4slot-machine…game: WarFair4.com downloading…
    Botched Act-of-Terror!
    PER (personal electronic reader)/de-pocketed-information-recorded singularly removing the ear-phone microphone-socketed-lead off-line searching for the source of the mildly-irritating openly questive-words’ spoken re-corded electron positron negative neutral proton-core still as directly-to, or so it seemed to the-Clerk, in almost immediate reply:
    ‘Don’t know what to make of, what?’ then:
    ‘Senseless.’ as to The-Banker as to The Newspaper headline shaken-out, the whole carriage could now view.
    The-Banker sat-back purposefully, purportedly, and provocatively, to-unfold The Financial-
    Newspaper with the headline outermost, upper-most:
    WORLD MARKETS IN TURMOIL! and seen again that photograph taking up the whole of the rest of the grey-top printed front-page remaindered, pictured in the minds’ eye…
    Now, turned inside-out and with a-staring squeezed blink of the eyes, fumbled as if in a freak storm, a blown umbrella, quickly folded-away.
    To the-Clerk: hung-out to dry: having seen earlier the front-page photograph, and one-liner top- headed:
    re-conceived on-line connected…down-loaded and up-dating second-to-second in a milli-second. Minute-tominute mobile-version uploading freely…with- advertising:optional: Freeview choice feeskipping…
    The-Clerk looking-down and into the-same recently concealed picture, and slowly re-storing from browsing-history as accurately acutely as-depicted. As verifiably veritably un-faked up-dated…un-tampered with: mobile cell-phone-photographed syndicated and World-Wide-Web: networked-scene: as at the end of the previous day: the-City: stocks and bonds’ markets as then as now: seen news-printed and pictured from the evening before: a litter-strewn as old ticker-tape across The Investment Merchant Bank Trading-Room floor. Forsaken, and an unforgiving-blankly waiting-screen strap-line banded:
    Markets Closed. Markets Closed. Markets Closed…the single-slogan as about to go up or down was not possible to tell diagonally from one corner of the screen to the other perhaps tangentially-to slip-backwards flickering erratically across continuously stuttering…across perhaps, another:
    Markets Closed.
    Only-slightly blurred from the-top aloft above, or below, the perfect: the-normal midway (i)deally positioned not at the-extreme outer-fielded or even ever truly evenly-centred: but as inside-out and now, as
    As then, as now: as if no-longer exciting or existent now, as if no-longer exc(i)(t)(ed.) as of now, and then, no-longer anymore. Un-changing ex-change…in-flexibility flexibility(y)ies…
    Ever more exchanged until stopped perfectly still in its tracks, nowhere at all.
    Except: now, there: only as stop-framed time-up: bleeped…
    Cinematographically stilled, to be recorded, and repeated any movement as any-moment only impendent… In the-cloud…independently that bold bland statement on-hold nonetheless-memorific-ally fuzzily held in abeyance:
    Markets Closed…shimmering-pixelated grid-table mapping diagrammatic…a flickering… A coming-together. As a vertiginous horizontally remote-geometrically sited as a new dawn held rising, over the Worlds’-Edge. The-Cityscape-skyline…di-verting…
    >Banking-details…scans scams threateningly un-throated un-declared-bribery and corruption and fraud on-consultancy political lobbyist and management-only commission-contracts government ministers hostaged hi-jacking debt-ransoming-deals projected de-regulation founded confidence unfounded de-evidenced peculiarly…self-supply chain financing de-mand(ed.) goods&stocks on the Stock-Market:L
    Optimism, pessimistically keeping quiet: the-private/public purse: tax-dodging as if this would be enough to boost-real confidence on-fixed and unfixed fiddling violins screeching burning-figures re-vealed:

Weaknesses:… Strengths and:… sub-titling screen-fantasy theme: distinctive emblematic
Corporate-Creations: owning dis-owning any-real identity or real-personality patched-together bufferzone: video-text typeset: cast-role freely-played-ambiguously between Good-and-Evil.
‘O.K.’ and not too-bad least-worst:
‘One lowest common de-nominator:’
‘…on-price…’ and another and downright-incorrectly dis-honestly and non-rightly irresponsibly: sealing: stealing
The-Deal: Generic-key: Designer-rip-off: online re=peat pre-scription: proscription un-fair in-clination pre-judice one-pergroup(ed.) not-set
Options: with-structure and series arcade-style deviation from the normal… too complex-to-

control if at all cutting-edge cut: …

To: the Cit(y)ies: How We Live: 50-50 countryside more or less where and between each-other: with people we look like who we think looks like ourselves. We ghettoize whether in the City or Countryside families living close or close to close to until they, we feel less, or more, than 20-25% we feel un-comfortable, threatened or angry.

Space-Red: Sea-Monster!< Technological and Fiscal ex-pan(s)(i)on…
‘From the Royal-Coffers?’
‘Coughers? Perhaps, bringing the-City down!’
‘Whole-Continent(s): spread like amoeba bacteria cytoplasm lichen on the surface…into the air and spacebreathing-Glaciers below:
‘Iced-up Market(s)…’
‘Rivers gushing…’
‘4now. Military Lockdown.’
‘Not this time.’
‘Invaded. Co-Lateral. Being brought-down. Regime-change…’
‘Financial-Pricing Systematic Monetarist: RE-new-abl(e 0): Carbon-Neutral Developer The-World!’
Ethno-linguistically gender and cultural-ability driven:
‘World. Sell?’
‘Buy. Merit-(o) Crass. Us!’
‘Plut(0)cracies!!! Crap-You. Dictatorship! Of-You?’
‘Of: The Proletariat?’
‘Eradicate the-Gentry!’
‘Free-Trade Monopolyies.’
‘Eat Social-Democracyies’ Royalist: Presidential: Re-Publican…’
‘Capitalist-Communist: Individual Wealth Gap (I W G):’ nonetheless…
‘Democracy. Democracyies…’
‘Real? Share-Capitalist. Wealth-Gap. Don’t you get it? Today? Crashed. All of it…’
‘I Get IT! Monopolyies. Dictatorship over many minorityies…’
‘Insurance&Pension: Premium-
‘All Minorities one-way or another…’
‘First past the post. Then?’
‘There to stay…not-’
‘Pension. RE-tirement rigged!’
‘Ballot or Bullet@Any family alive from somewhere? Frontline…Dictatorshipofthe Proletaries’…’
owners. Farm&Factoryies’ Dictatorship4the-Proletariat: workers…
‘Owning our own self-made work others…’
Of the once-Soviet Russian Feds (USSR)
Military-Bureaucrat Bloc (US) Soviet
RE-Public of China (SRC)
Africa: 5G Eyes in the Sky:
‘Drones everywhere.’
‘Solar-Wind. Buy-Out? Good-tactics. Buy-in. Global? Know of Any?’
‘Rule of Law. A good idea…but…’
‘But what?’
‘Never. Bought-up.’
‘Grotesque Over:(I)nvestment: GOB: (i)n: Commercial and Re-sidential: sold-as:
Leisure-Property: Port-Folio (LPPF): Golf&Gold. Strategically falsely-promoted tactic(s)…’
‘Media. If you can’t beat them, buy them.’
‘If you can’t buy them, beat them.
‘Buy your share of your own land, once all Royal-Land.’
‘And destroying…
‘Forest-Funding.’ by incomprehensible debt-instrument…
‘Business-Practice(s) fraudulent wire milli-second to RE-act: Democracyies The-Peoples’ ourselves.
Government(s)’ Governance. Time to-react or withholding information criminally-civilities lack of transparency laundering complicating the supply-chain demanding trains of thought and action:
‘Disabling Misogynist-Paternalistic Sovereign-Presidential.’
‘Queenly RE-publican.
‘Familial Big-Business COUTTS. I mean Courts, I mean…’
‘Pricks, GEEKS, whatever. May need them someday.’
‘Need them now. Areas of Expertise (AoE)…’
‘Core in-Corporation(s): cyber-counter acts of terrorism .’
‘Terrororism playing with money-fire:’
‘Coal: GAS-OIL running-out!’
‘Runout. Funding Green-Investment Growth-Banks’…’
‘False Fake-Bollocks (FB) Growth.’
‘Too-much too-quickly…’
‘Transport-Tits. Spent.’
‘To get-out now or not at all.’
‘Now? Corporate-Greed. Fraud&Corruption. Sex-ploitation with-violence-in-defence…false-statements in…church-
babble bubble(s) corrupting con-merchant(s)…attacking: Consumer-Choice! Underwritten by a computer-screen
competitive monopolies’ amongst themselves.’
‘Rule The World Mad-Scientists…’
‘Except they are not and they do not, actually, actuarily, they want to, though…’
‘Democratic?! Hah!’
‘By Any Means Necessary unless held inb check’
‘In Prison-Bank Laundering spent on Big-Family Charity-Projects…’
‘Health&Live. Intra-Energy…’
‘Free…per-haps the-Price of Civilisation. Road and Train tracks…’
‘Iron-Sky. To&From: Free!’
‘Bringing in the Good(s).’
‘Of-course. Agr(i)-Land(s)…de-molish what is-there and build-on residential…’

  • Bought-Off. Only numbers acronyms letters words and algorythms…
    Hostage to Fortune(s)…
    Same as it’s ever been…
    Bringing in the-Harvest…
    ‘F. Off. Declaring! Price-War. Hiked Interest-Rate(s): for Currency-Exchange:’
    ‘Far-Out: Off-Goods and
    Services: hitched un-hinged:
    Trade-Wars! list…
    ‘Modern Euro-Centric: Imperial/Colonialisation…’ seriously conscionable:
    ‘US:UN: China-Russe-Euro: BrISA-Cris€s…cr(i)s(i)s: N/nnn…’
    ‘Brexit Pound-PIGS. Farming. Industrial and Servicing: Development Bank(s): Everywhere. Asia Africa and the southern Americas to Mexico-City. Language(s):? Indo-European: Asia-Europe: Global-failure bailedout: UK/USA. Of the Money-Banking System this-time@Money-Go-Round(MGR) fun(i)mation:
    Bubbles’ Media. Double-Bubble of everything, triple.
    Your-Own? Triplicate, now…Quadratic!
    The Great North-Sea Arctic-Circle saw nothing like this! Gas and Oil. Seas… and
    Ocean(s). Desert Fresh-Water: underground:over-ground level
    Plastic(s): Pipeline…whole-Villages disappear(ed.) dis-tracted
    Methane-burst! CO2. Hydro-Global! Mining pits dug and channels built between coal and the finest value gems.
    Of-Course: Metals and Minerals mined from the poorest to the Richest listed-value back to the various
    National Royal -Elites’ money peasant-food and gadgets cheaply-made heavily over-priced:under-priced
    Solar- Wind Nuclear Free Health&Social-Care Cash and/or convictions.
    (I)nnovation -profit to re-peat endlessly digitally value-and-cost: Europe and across South-Africa/North-America:
    ‘Stitching-up the Globe!’
    ‘F’in’ Fortune(s)!’
    ‘Not-enough. Free-TT-raid?’
    ‘Trainers? Children’s athletic running training shoe-school in Cambodia and Bangla-Desh, Pakistan…
    ‘To: Western-Afghanistan and …
    ‘Nigeria. Back to that?’ they knew what was happening in that village. The Army Commander and NCO ordered-to:
    surround the village to catch and question any escapers…to find out if the Free Independence Army had taken-
    (c)on-trollingor-not. The Religious RE-volutionary Guards guerrilla from within shut the People up in factory huts and
    threw in handgrenade and set-fire to the huts. It was almost as an act of mercy, unavoidable, and yet this revelation:
    ‘This RE-volution!’
    Liquidated by the National-Royal
    Colonial Army…gang-raping and shooting: male and female shamed breasts and limbs hacked-off punishment:
    Reign of Terror
    Palace no-way out
    Without Escape Plan (WEP)
    ‘Got away with Murder!’
    Sri-Lanka Bharat Euro-
    Russe Australian
    ‘Land and more besides: Desert and Caucasian-Mountains…’
    ‘Irani and Iraqi and Syrian Desserts.’
    ‘Food-Crisis Humanitarian. Climate-Change: Crisis. Drought. Flood…’ polar-equatorial:
    rivering to the Planets’
    Roadways and railways underground overground and into Vacuum-
    Space! Equatorial Oceanic dry-ICE and Building-Sand:
    ‘Canada-Shale. Building Sand&Wood: counted POGS: PlasticOilGasSilicon. Salt and building-on:
    Dom(i)(0)n(i)on(s): Plastic-Pipeline(s): Clean-Water: Gas. Oil. Monetised:’ moaned…
    ‘Digital: Macro-Economics for: Outright-Profit. Max. of: The People. Minority-Dictatorship of the Elite:
    Workers’ Class: Military-Businesses: Bureaucratic.’
    ‘Anti-Trust. Free-Trade Monopoly-Capitalism…’
    ‘Government every sector 5^6 including (i)nvestment
    Merchant-Trade Banking: loans to the shops and factories and into peoples’
    Government Nationalistic
    Flag of Privileged-Exceptionalism
    National Eco(n)omic-
    Corporations (GG-ECs):
    Characteristic(s): New-Era:
    Global: five and six…
    ‘At seven2eight billion-trillion…’
    ‘Plastic. All-Over: Sector Energy and Metal-Mineral Material Goods…’
    ‘All-Over sector: Stocked and Stored. Animal?’
    ‘Flowers. Bought and Sold?’
    ‘Fixed far-ahead: Nation-State Registered-Bank(s): inter-net.’
    ‘Bonus on top of that! Paying no-Taxes. None-seen. Who pays Taxes? Not: Offshore Banking Business
    (OBB) Obfuscation! Personal Equity Investment
    Banks’ Share-Holders…’
    Financial Infra-Structure:
    ‘Intra-Customer Base. ConSumer. Worker(s)’ Army-Peoples’ B(e)n(e)fi-cent Practical:’
    ‘War Pays? More than Peace, mostly, but for a very few who are made fall-guys and dolls representing their country, their government their Nation-Shite.’

’(I)n-vestment-Future(s)…(B(I)F(s): P(Id.)S(s)(i) Poor?’

‘Personal Pension Investment in-come PPIi-c Savings?’
‘Mis-sold of course. None. Zilch. Sweet
FA. All: HiStory!’
‘Herstory@Secured@Profit: at any Cost. Subscribed regular-income?’
‘Privately-secretive private-ownership of the Peoples’ means-of-production…’
‘Private-Property by
Capital-Accumulation. National Securityies Bureau.
Laws-vague and wavering wide-ran(g)ing…
‘Re-Insurance?’ bundled-risk:
‘Pissing-me? Pissing-down! Golden-Shower! Home. Crapping-away…’

‘Scraping Welfare-Taxes.’
‘If You’re the Rogue-Revenue? I don’t owe…’
‘Revenue? Police and Thieves. Riots4Food! 4Good(s)! Low Social Mobility (LCM) as: 4&against:’
‘High Social Mobility? Where? Anywhere?’
‘No-Where! Fiscal-War crimes top2toe.’
‘Lowest: poor and homeless…often: Race&Gender: Privileged. Elitist Familial Sovereign-City: Nation:State: less…Coastal&Inland. Border-Town(s): piss-poor: apart from: Tourism: Guide: Taxes and fund(i)ng(s): supports taken(a)way: online: Social-Structure: Austerity-Bubble burst gave-up all its’ gains oil&water draining-away…
Profit/Losses from last-year’s profit-invested

Losses only on last year’s outrageous profits@Tech. screen(s): enmityies taxes-burn

Stocks and Shares’ Corporate bias(ed.) algorythms


Corporate-Monopoly. Non-monopoly competition ruined and bought-out, sell-off, and monopoly take=over price-merger:
Capital/Communist Monopoly.
Domestic-Competitions’ and Co-)peration(s)’ rules and usual-behavior:
Quantity-costs and price.
Pay&Price. Qualifies’ Bonded-Global Government securities…
Cyber-Security Sanction(s) busting back-door: #Tech-Hostage. Front-Door: CEO Presidential Banker-Arrest and re-lease and re-leased and arrested again for a very long time self im-posed exile
Abroad, home-warned. Inside-Track. Consultant:
Health&Safety safe-working conditions…
Ultra Net-Worth
Robbers-all. Rubber: bouncing-back: Corporate-Trade less so than Money-Military Government (MMG).
Public/Private. Data-sharing: Comms-hacking Ind(i)(v)(i)dual
Cyber-Attack. Viral-Impact peaks and depressing troughs’ costs’ rise and fall. Faster and slower impact-on
Price-cost off-of: Fair-Tariff(s): imports from abroad; equal-out, across different goods costs and services.
Stronger and weaker revenue-growth, any growth, domestically, and abroad, gone too far-out.
Losses over last years’ Just. Just-
VicTor(t)(i)(y)ie(s)! Profits! Ex-Ports
Safe working-conditions
National Wealth Service
Over-loss€(sssh…) one-year re-trenchment in the surrounding countryside, and see out the winter
Benchmark:Marker-Price: N/nnn: Global Interest Rate. Health&Social-caring…
Zero-Gross/Net Domestic Product PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) as costs and expenditure to the thousands and millions and billions that make-up: Global Trade. #Trillions&Quadrillions as we go along #Septillian
4PRINCIPLES upheld US Dollar and China Yuan. Argentina and Turkey. Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel
Indonesia and Australia.
South America trading partners as Japan and Indo-(n)Asia. China Seas seized be-sieged…
Africa digital knowhow and skills to produce doctors and scientists better employed up to now, abroad.
Over RE(l)(i)ant-on Foreign Capital: U.S. Dollar or Yuan: to base currency: and know-how, from all over.
Corrupt deadly-Empiric. Excess&Error in support of murderous traitorous, in the end walked off into the dry-desert from the Arab-Oasis de-stroyed poisoned the villages and peoples by genocide burning-tyre neck laces loose noose dropping snot of gold-ore but in-valuable all-dead.
En-Slaving Israel-to-Egypt and returning…
Slavic-Slave. Chinese Indian Caste
Arabic Roman tic
Eastern Seaboard to anywhere on Earth. Pangea, Gondwana EurAsia China Euro-Russe western-Europe
Franco-Iberian: Australian. American French and Spanish and Portuguese as Dutch or lastly as largely
Gold-stolen and monetized most- terrifyingly de-nounced de-ported be-trayed traitor-thief killed perhaps the next Reign of Terror. The French Republican Revolution and Germanic Belgian: Nazi Monastic Amazon
Congo Forest Wars. The British Empire, and Nazi-America
North-South Spanish Portuguese…speaking all over the world en-slaving race women trans anything you want to be-accepted as others with respect, as dead.
Ancient Generations
Chinese, Arabic and Hebrew.
Indian Latin, English, and Urdu/Hindi.
Fascist-Europe Russe-CEO: Oligarchies everywhere in ad-hoc to The Leader the Leader in hoc to them, who will win-out?
Middle-Kingdom Heir(o)glyph
Wars of de-colonialisation personnel personable personage women and children re-spect life re-habilitate traitors only the small-minded seek revenge we do not torture and kill like our colonial-Masters like our colonial Mistresses the Elephant cannot see the Ant that it treads on but it can feel the flea that bites!
The Free-Liberation Movement knows of our supporters and of our traitors to humanityies’ peace&RE- conciliation. National Wars of Liberation from Colonial-Collaborators with Foreign Powers invaded by Bread&Bullets
Occupied-land(s) used as experimental weapon’s research wars-of-resistance witnessed as at massacre of…
FIAT D91’s Military-Helicopter machine-guns flame throwers and heavy chemicals flaming from barrels…
To-take responsibilities for your-own owned post. A sad repetition you cannot ig($)nore.
(Y)es? Recognise the past. Respect the future.
Money-War(s) ever-since: RE-construction com.patriots and citizen-collaborators
The-bullet or the-ballot bitten numbers on screen(s)
Both: the same now, as far as either of them or anyone on the train there, or anywhere-else knew as-of:
All: African: Business-Dealings: around the world the Ireland of Ireland. Civilis(ed.) Commerce, that evening, instant(ly) be-fore: Governor-Commander Big-Business Boss:
‘This is Africa, Boss?’
‘Stay(ed?) Bonus-Put(s)?’
‘MaRKETS! Open!!!’
‘not-FREE&not-FAIR Air…’
Both now in the knowledge assumed of the other. Both assumingly knowingly, unknowingly, yet simply pictorially-imagining that morning the scene(s) as unchanged from the night time before then, as now: inside the City Stock-Market Building marble walled inside heavy-teakwood mahogany doors tightly-closed hermetically-sealed a normally fluorescent glow turned-off.
Except for a single computer-screen presence, remaining-there:
Markets Closed.
as if readied for all-time, previously, for this day.
As if this had never happened before.
Yet it had.
Markets Closed.
From that evening-before, as in clueless useless pointless pointed dire-warning: retro-once only kind-of installed as if permanently; equivocally, perhaps, warning automatically not to be taken too-literally; nottobe(ig)(s)nored or ind(e)finitely normally meaning:
Be-fore the cleaners had cleaned-up and some but then not-everyone-else had been cleaned-out.
Before nightlife restaurant and television-cabaret the latest news and sport weather then repose-taken.
The on-message only that:
‘The-Markets will be open again and sooner rather than later…’
‘Again? This-day?’
‘As any other-day?’
‘So, what do you make of it now, then? Business as Usual?’
‘This day? This…to-day.’ taking-over the competing computer-programmers’ co-operatively collectively collaboratively algorithmically metering as an un-licensed taxi-cab carrying and insuring business-plans financially under-written and over-insured. Under-insured, over-written, or re-insured, or not-insured at-all:
looking out the window: Violence-suspected…
An Act of God?
Different. Not-Blue not-Red Wealth
GREEN-Industry not-GREEN Tax…
The Markets on Auto-Selling…
A.I. owe U One.
‘An Act of Us!’ pre- programmed virtual-win, lose, or draw, cancelled postponed, and re-negotiated the animal-urge to risk, and win-or-destroy through miss, take, error…
Circum-navigating circumstances unfathomable into living-liv(ed.) obliteration, nevertheless, un-constrained.
Im-posing the aggressive-investment
Merchant-Bankers’ Clerk Re-insuring
Not adequately re-ensuring
Re-assuring the values of private-equity stock-in.
Government and Admin. Peoples’ currency-bonds individually car plane-crash(ed!).
Shitshow Train-wreck personally self-owned by self &^or Other.
Access to the Law. Justice(s)…
Mobile-wealth. Exercise your Right to Vote in free&fair election(s) oh!
Denizens! Priced-out, cash-back, borrowed-on pay-day tax-loan food-bank(s):
Accountant-Clerks’ savings-account pension&insurance and country-clear profit-to
Government-Taxes paid-in, or not. Corporate Taxes dropped…
Un-employment. Benefit, or not.
Well-Fare. Public/Private mix.
Tax-Grab(s) everywhere
Well-Fair ability and illness dis-ability credit-as
Contract-Compensation or re-compense.
In sickness and in health. Paid breaks taken: tea/toilet booked in-and-out
HealthCare&Wel-Fare (HC&W-Fs) as we shall most definitely need
At the final-end. World WarFair4.com…again.
Abroad. Home. Suitcases full-of-cash it may as well be, except electronically and token to-be taken-back with inward investment re-payment in compensation hitting-growth. Yet hardly covering the original pseudo-doc. computer-crime call of miss-leading in-sin in-bribes and back-handers’ dodgy-deals information reneged-on millions of them, billions, trillions, quadrillions…septillions…
Of fixed-rates false-accounting fake-(i)nformation
Cash-in-the-bank off-shore
Fake-ecologyies cash that stayed out-of-the-bank. Uranium. Gold and Gems.
Stayed-out. Tax-free taken, stolen, now Tax-Free for the Government and People, Free-Trade.
Ill-liquidated, stashed-away: unavailable to-government, or to the-People to-spend.
Of the-Family-Business and as of small-Company-Name(s): seen briefly as painted hoarding pasted on the sideof-buildings.
Plastic-Palaces: Advertising as along the embankment railway-track alongside sidings and stations to be
> >passed-through > > > at high-speed, non-stopping…
All else, stopped. Closed, shrunk, and engulfed by-globular en-larged
Corporations’ local-corruption…
Advertising-hoardings for Banks’ Currency Economic-Zone and an-other Country-Town passed-through. Bank High-Street: branches closed as shops and as autumn-leaves currency-exchanges as-laundering twigged risked domestic-clearing houses for return(s) or no-return colla(p)(s)ed.:
‘By the end of this-day?’
‘All-won or lost? Shops. People…’
‘Banks. Private-Equity.’
On screen:
‘An Act of God? Purchasing-Power?’ Profit-to-Interest Rates…Personal-Equit(y)ies! Or, still…’
’Quits? 50/50?’

% ’Who wins does not lose.’

‘Who loses does not win.’
‘Really?’ All investing higher-and-higher with insecure unsecured funds in stocks and insurances:
interbank loans re-insurances and re-sales…within (closed-text) the listings…
Over and into… almost as suddenly as the whole front-page picture re-pasted into-memory…
For the-Clerk far from assuaging the culpability of the-other now exposed as the deplorably irresponsible and reckless lender. Not, as yet, wrecked-home borrower, wreaked havoc-upon.
To the-Banker, the-Clerk cast now as the likely irresponsible, yet hapless helplessly indebted, no-deposit poor credit-rating history first-time mortgaged and-possibly renter-employee.
As in: Bank-loaned as salaried, invested monthly paid-off to be paid-back payday pay-check paper-money onscreen backed and banked: The-Bankers’ Newspaper front-page pictorial held-out, taut-and-proud, as a flag of convenience. Or as a crumpled bank-note. Opened, to the light of day, as checking the veracity of foldin’ money: cash: Bill-Fold Bail-Bond #no-cash no-carry
No-One Currency
Bank-Account the-Clerk knew; and returned, momentarily to the hand-held now re-opening news-filtering screen-newspaper heard again as the rustling of dry-leaf cadaver.

Pure-Plastic-Age. Ex-e-cutive: Golden-Account CoalOil&Gas: Plastic-Paying: over&again…

Geek-World: General Engineering & Electro-Knowledge:

  • Outside the Train-Carriage: the weather not that inclement, or autumnal for the leaves to be green-springing, rising-brown from their branches, or be freely-falling as snow-covered, as foraging nuts and berries for the long cold-winter once-known.
    The Newspaper turned crisply inside-out and halved-again.
    Both to the same page skim-read by the-Clerk as- earlier: pre-registered up-front…next page…and as
    WorldWide-Web free and as-expected to be paid-for not: freely-enabled seen with advertisements and scammed both skipped…to:
    The (I)nsider-Report:
    As of today there is so much owed, by so many, that cannot start to be paid-out or paid-back this day, or the next…
    This morning the stock-markets are closed. Once more World-Trade has ground a halt.
    All Credit-Trading has been suspended.
    The trading of stocks and shares in recent times has left prices at such all-time high-levels, that, overnight, have collapsed.
    We are yet again in the grip of the greatest global fiscal and financial- fiasco, the greatest-ever EconomicCrisis, ever; again,…
    This morning in Geneva there is to be an announcement of the International Conference on Monetary Compliance (ICMC).
    There is to be a declaration of Economic Policy and (I)ntent.
    This announcement is expected to stabilise major-global currencies and exchange-rates, at some mutuallyagreed rate.
    To boost-confidence in the Banking-System and in Global Fiscal-Policy and World-Trade.
    A shared protocol, at Midday World Mean-Time (WMT) to-day by the International Date-Line will…
    ‘There will be winners; and, there will be-losers…’ spoken outloud…un-loaded…uploaded…
    Looking-up The-Banker as from The-Clerks’ laid-back attitude, drawn from the impending appended silence. The-Banker now self-imposed imag(ed.) point-of-view of the closed-market pictured:
    ‘The Photo? The-Barrel: AKA: The-Cage: calculated-risk? Join the-Game?’
    ‘Game? Markets Closed? No-real-risk…then…Limited-liability…only the-details to be added. Only- just…
    ‘Only? Just? Then?’
    The-Banker, on mobile cellphone earpiece bartered furtively and openly and loudly and confidently as if now confidentially-swapped hand-signals and punched the air slapped both-palms together:
    ‘High-fives! We are in the tens…six…seven!’
    ‘Eight if you Will!’ and holding a-hand over the heart openly-palmed, and as sat, bowed slightly winked, a single staring- eye, as stooped to conquer: with on-screen confirmation…re-directing…con-firming… password…and printed-off paper-copy waved frantically financial-agreement-stipulating:
    ‘Only to be signed-off…’ lifted from the floor brief-case revealed laptop lapped at reading-off as:
    The-Clerk now speaking:
    ‘8-Billion assets signed-off! One for Every One of US China share-holder voters…’#
    ‘On this Planet. Plateau-Purchase Risk…’
    ‘RE-lease Asset(s): Public/Private Initiative:’



‘Dis-possessed…’ bundles in Ghetto mixed-housing and vigilant…online:
‘What we want is live wiki-feed…’
‘Quantity-Data quantified…Quants?’
‘Monetarise2Hell! No-one-else but Us!’
‘No-one else?’
‘But. Us. Paradise-Utopia. Fire-Fighting. Ultra-Power: Corruption and Lies…
‘Oil, Gas and Water-supplies cut-off.’
‘Gem, Gold&descendent-Energy enemy/ally.’
‘Trade.’ Forest-Management.
From: Colonial-Countryies: Imperial-Farm: Petty Land-Owner Plantation:
River-Railway: Home own-owned lived-in at Home. The-Clerk continuing:
‘Trade. Oil, Gas and Water-supplies cut-off.’
‘Markets Closed.’
#’Deal(s) to be added, then? Details?’ How many-septillions-more? All is Lost?’
#’De-valued. Bought-out.’
‘What? Bought&Sold-off?’
‘That is the name of the Game! Buying-up cheap de-assetted selling-off.’
‘Buying-out. The Family? Is that it? Gold&Silver? Silicon-Tech.?’
‘Banks unto themsel(f)ves. Buying-up. To the lowest bidder(s)…Public. People bought-off…’
‘Votes for Fear.’
‘Fear for Votes. Loaned back-out. Same. Nationalised-Country currencyies.. E-State FEDS Bio- Engineering Geo-Solar. Wind&Water. Culture-Politics. Communist/Capitalist Partyies’ FamilyFortunes!

’ To the-Buyer. Or to the-Seller? Buyers’ market? Seller?’

Done, and with a nod, laterally entrusted, undisputed, and further endorsed over-lengthy client midday-luncheon tied-in: gifting as-charity by guilt-association expense-account accounted-for and through electronic/signatory:
pass-name and number and as a matter of Public: Voter-Record:
‘Free-RE sources no-longer negotiable…con-fidential.’
‘Or ever-were.’
Tapping keyboards:
‘All to-be ironed-out today…’
‘By the all the-Clerks’ of All the-Worlds’ Works!!!’
‘By the all the-Clerks’ of All the-Worlds’ Works!!!’
As if spoken man(y)-times be-fore, both.
Informa(t)-kwiki: transparent liquid-like, solicited.
Solid as an assignment.
Scenario: Population: Proposition: Projected through the air cloud-like as before the-bell was rung fordeparture. As a warning to anyone last-boarding the train doors closed, the train-carriage sealed and seated upfront, downback, aside:
‘Don’t know what to make of ‘It’…yet…’ pause…
Then The-Clerk bought the-thought snickered slightingly to-self as-if spoken to self.
Then: it was that sarcastic thought or was it sardonic? outlined outloud:
‘I’ll bet we will find out now soon-enough, now, don’t you?’ sounded differently as if someone-else had spoken the words instead, as a gauntlet-glove thrown-down Alter-Net: to be picked-up: ‘O.K. If that’s what you want to make of it.’
‘Want. We Always Do What-We-Want:‘
‘Business as Usual.’
‘What will you make out-of-it, then?’
‘Later-0n TDAY? Midday-ready…’
Only as instantly-realised now and as at the time-of-speaking earlier; and, that short-moment-later as spoken now irritatingly intimating intimidatingly only-now as at the-Gamble seemingly committed-to.
The un-certainty now at such a communally, yet privately, and now seemingly shared-venture.
This seemingly reasonable as un-reasonable as to each other, as yet un-priced; as yet, only a projected-proposal, there would be a price, and a cost too:
‘Innovative Purchase-Price Initiative (IPPI) and re-sale onward: that-is all you need to know’…an as yet un-bidden offer properly in-prospect to follow-up the seemingly automatically-accepted challenge both-ways many-ways as yet to be fully realised or comprehend(ed.) version…
As well as the-other, each spoken now, and seen, and now heard:
‘No going-back now.’

  • Both, now considering the import of these words, the more thoroughly, thoughtfully, perhaps, than said and heard those out-spoken mere words as to the-enterprising enquiry; requiring, further-reply? In-turns? Or not?
    Now: the earliest near previously…saved in-memory and as the first-respondent again.
    The-Clerk ignoring the possibility again of turn-taking with another supplementary, yet elementary question:
    Puzzlement pre-dicated predicament: seconded now by both-speakers.
    Triplicated, as here, almost(i)dentically mindfully apart re-flected against all others on the train.
    On the Train. (i)n the Train-Carriage: others-visible and seeing, through adjoined metal and nylon poly-ester plastic-fibre cloth air-cooled compartment and as if no further-apart or closer-to or from each other’s-truth and in each-others’ minds: and all this mean(s)? Exactly? And how soon?
    How soon, is now? How much is-enough? And: What&How much is at stake here? Exactly# as instantly both now openly re-(g)retting rutting the opening-given to the exclusion of anyone-else in the rumbling bone-rattling carriage: as
    Both en-joined, as advertently now as in-advertently in a two-way dialogue of which at that immediate-point there was persisting yet-only limited dis- or mis-(t)(y)(f)ying or any verifiable: Group-Loop:
    (i)(n)formation…at all. Markets Closed.
  1. Factory Hospital and Home.
    She had pressed the TVOFF remote laser-switch, and they all had left for school and work.
    Closing all the windows and door behind her, a short while later and going where those others had de-parted and others were leaving front doors for the days school and work and days’ activity known, un-known exactly, a-head.
    Outside and downstairs, through the piles of discarded rubbish and the door, wedged open.
    To the blocked metal refuse-chute, unmissed rubbish strewn everywhere.
    Re-Plastic as bottles and dish plates and bagging and carried to the concrete blocked and disposed-of, in the corner of the blocked concrete and metal the over-spilling chute stacked with black grey and white bags for collecting and sorting.
    To the stairs and the If-it’s-working lift down to the ground floor: the worst thing standing inside the open lift-door not being sure if the elevator was going to work, or not. Or go crashing to the ground, like everything-else could do at anytime.

He was on-a-Late and so he was taking the children to school and nursery.

He would be collecting them later today it seemed when Her shift finished early or if she could do
overtime-hours, or clock-off early to collect them if there were no work or family emergencies that was.
Then, either would have to phone, one of the other mothers or fathers to collect theirs’ as well if they could…She entered the same Shop that He had recently departed with The Children only a number of seconds earlier, but crucially later, more rather than fewer they had only left just minutes earlier:
‘Got any bread in?’
‘You may as well take one there, only one-day-stale!’ climbing-down off a stool-from-stacking-shelves:
‘Stale already isn’t it. Never mind the Bakery! Haven’t seen them yet today.’
The Shop was open as usual ready to stock-up again with the usual days-supplies that had been phoned in the day before, or rather:
‘It looks like it is:
‘Whenever@The Delivery’
…turns’ up!’
Then, not for the first time:
‘Your better-half works at The Bakery, doesn’t he? Him&your kids were here just a few minutes ago.’
‘My Other-‘alf went out early, to-day. To The Cash and Carry, and not back yet. I phoned-in the order.
They said:
‘No-deliveries yet today! Nothings’ moving yet…Come Back To Morrow!’’
Then, in response to an expected but not received, not ill-received:
‘Still; there is Hope. I expect…gone to see if we can collect in the queue at the Cash’n’Carry. Not back yet and not-yet called-in.’ pointing at the dry-sliced-loaf on the shelf:
‘Going stale!’ momentarily paused, then:
‘Mouldy, next if it stays there much longer, which I doubt. No Cash, No Carry!’
HERE&NOW. The Shopkeeper was stocking half-empty shelves, the last stock, sharing with anyone who came in the shop, for whatever they could afford of their cash and card(s): Credit/Debit: continued to her as She looked at: The-Newspaper(s): on the counter the stale loaf and a dry bun for steaming, offering:
‘We get our Bread&Cakes from Your Bakery…’ moving across the shelf,
‘Your other-half working there?’
‘For all most-nothing@It doesn’t last! The old Bread&Cakes gets chucked-away. Have to Health and
Safety it or give it to The BinRaiders out the back.’
‘They have it? Still, can’t blame them, can you? Poor beggars.’
‘I leave it for those that take it. Homeless, you know, or out of work, on wel-fare ben(e) fits, that go nowhere…’
‘Poor and hungry and homeless.’
‘That’s where we’ll all finish-up, if we’re not careful!’
‘Yeah, dead at least! They take it home, you know? If they’ve got one. Squatting on the ground…toast on one of those outdoors braziers, they sleep under the bridge arches, some of them, you know…’
‘Been there years some of them.’
She looked at the shopkeeper, who continued un-awares:
‘Some have got homes ‘though. I don’t know what state they’re in. Don’t seem to worry ‘em. …’ ‘If that is all you got.’
‘All yesterday’s fresh has gone, panic buying! I only let them in one at a time and one each and they kick-up a fuss! Not thinking of others…Food-Factoryies and Cash&Carryies only to profit on the backs of others…’ pointing to the plastic bread-wrapped,
‘I took that one from outback but you can have it.’
‘What about your family?’
‘We shall have tomorrow.’ The Shopkeeper concluded.
At the docks and ports according to TV pointing to the corner(s) of: The Shop and on the ceiling from where CCTV Globe-TV beamed:
‘Only that one-loaf left now. We won’t get another delivery today. I dare say. And I am told:
‘We don’t know when!’ Well, if they don’t know.’
‘Not midday, then. When its’ all sorted?’
Then, without catching a further satirical re(s)pons€:
‘Only the ‘papers delivered today. So far; and I haven’t paid for them yet. I only pay for what I sell.’
‘Don’t We All Know-IT!’
‘How’s that?’ doubly surprised at the apparent revelation: that not everything had to be paid for up-front, the wages of work: of stocking the shop and selling not-stockpiling to attract robbers and thieves.

  • The Shopkeeper came towards the counter of The Shop and continued chatting to Her:
    ‘You can give me all the money you’ve got if you like. No change to give out ‘though more sweets or crisps? Like the last time: ‘cheap-cheap’ doing the motion:
    ‘Chicken&Chip(s)’ everywhere, that’s what this place will become. Never sell this place now. This
    Country is a Cock-House Casino. Henhouse, then?’
    ‘Just? Like the last time.’
    ‘Not-Just. And like the Time before that. Not-even(s)…’
    ‘No money in the Bank. No food on the table!’
    She exhorted:
    ‘Your kids have got have something here to last them.’
    ‘Not anymore. Selling-Up. Bankrupt, and admit-it is the best way, again! No-more dodgy loans. Even if I sell my stock at going priced-out markets, and don’t feed my-familyies…can’t pay the debts on this place.’
    ‘Anyway…The Banks are not open, so you or I won’t be able to get any notes or cash out anyway!
    ‘Never be able to sell this place now. Pay-off loans and bills on The HERE&NOW Shop and on the Stocks; but no buyers…it’s all Super-Duper Hyper online-Markets. I’d have to sell-off at too lower-price. Sell at too low as it is! Too-high^’

’These other Anarcho-Cowboy’

Space-Girl! don’t want to pay!
Flags of Con-Veniance
‘I’ll just up-and-go sometime, leave it all behind.’
‘Leave it to who? To: where?’
The HERE&NOW Shopkeeper
Shelf questioned:
‘Nothing@nothing.com!’ laughing…
‘Less than Zero.’
‘Sweet F’all…’
She asked in wonderment.
She asked, knowing, not listening, heard it before. Selling-off and not just this
Shopkeeper, empty shop(s)
All the local Shops were owned and known either by the name on the front of the shop and/or the RE-ligious litigious libellous found-Cultural Nationality or Ethnic-identity of the Family Ancient Denizen that owned or rented that shop with its’ shelved stocks and shares and they did their business there.
Lived-in. Small re-tailers family-run businesses across the globe, despite the SuperMall and Hypermarket(s) still the way most shopping finishes up. From the roadside, docks and ports, in the air, and to and from The
Village, Town and The-City: Market-Places and Streets and, of course, the wholesale invisible Military-
Industrial Complex until-now…(de-liberately) small-ads and the financial ‘news’paper:
Evening Standard Stock-Markets and Money-Markets advertising shop signage noticing:
Open All Day!
She pondered. She looked at the front page of The Newspaper un-folded and thrown onto the light-worn dark varnished and metal-trimmed wooden shop-counter surface and service.
She glanced at a cartoon which depicted the Worlds’ Finance Ministers: Politician-Business
CorporateEconomist(s): heads in hands sitting on stacks of useless money no words needed; no deed(s) but a like&comment…
She read for free without intending to-buy
Global Crisis!
Meeting Midday Today!
Tax&Prices rises expected. turning
The (i)nside Page: In the last weeks and months there have been queues-in-shop(s) for scarce goods, rationed by ability to pay; there have been queues to spend by those that can still afford to spend. Instead of investing, pay, pensions, and profits, before the goods and stocks became worthless, the prices of goods and services have increased week by week and day-by-day, minute-by-minute as more Financial Insurance Compensation (FIC)
Claims are made…Don’t we just know it! So, what’s so different! Or not! She pondered again…
She scanned the picture-headline into her camera-phone…
Markets Closed.
She wondered: how the small shops and retailers and service providers like
Health and Social Care whether large hospital or fast-food chain cottage-hospital or cottage-loaf.
How they managed at all? With all the out-of-Town Shopping Malls and Giant Chain Stores like Giant ChainSaw Stores as she imagined; that everyone shopped-at because they could afford the fixed low-prices and special offers paid-to shop-around the big 5/6; but, The Scams! Price(s)-up: special-offer:
‘Prices down! Ha! 241.’ when whatever happens without Prices going upupup first, eh?
Without any salaries and wages what to Spend on the Prices anyway.
She answered her own-question(s) to her-self: The Supermarkets paid up-front, farmer suppliers and staff but cheaply, and only what they thought they could get away with and sell at a good share-holder and Owner-Profit balanced only by necessarily what people could afford…
‘FairTrade or not-FairTrade.’ the Shopkeeper had continued to stock shelves with food in tins and plastic&cardboard non-bio film packets without stopping hardly and stocking the shelves and aisle way cleared, finished:
‘Health or no-health.’ She said without thinking of it in advance:
‘That’s it! Everything is out. I’m now officially out of stock!’
‘Us too, that’s why I am here! Stocking-Up.’
‘Packing-Up. Panic-Buying and that’s IT!’ the train of thought returning to re-stacking the meagre-shelves with the remaining stock and with some finality:
‘Nothing left. Not getting enough to cover My Own Household for a Day! Nothing from that Bread-
Factory either!’
‘Either of us.’ ‘None of us.’
‘All of Us!’
Existing on Bank-Loans on Capital, Stock and Shop; rent is un-paid for the year…
Governments Presidents’ Sovereign: Royal-Taxes! Peoples’ Government-Taxes:
For their own Good not-Ours’
Only our-votes N/nnn…fairly and freely manipula(t)(ed.) back at-the-counter handing-back the-money:
Secular-Presidential: Government-Bank: defending Social-Welfare Shop against attacking
‘Government-Corporations 5^6 Global(ly). Five-or-six sectors only…’
‘We are the Majority Now of-course…’
‘least-Money Minorities.’
‘Majorityies!…most-of-us, then ten-per-cent them, most the money. Poor-I Work! Long-hours…for this Shop!’ She’d said:
‘So much more-than just-today…’
The Shop-keeper:
‘Stale Factory-Bread and solid steamed-Bun! Go-on, you may as well take-it 4Free and The
Newspaper.’ Then:
‘Bring us some nice freshly baked Bread&Cakes to stock-up the Shop with from: The-Factory as we callit! That is where He works, it is isn’t it?’
She-looked up:
‘They’ve closed the Bakery-Works again. Do You Know that?’
Her res-ponse:
‘Where do We get Our Bread&Cakes now then?’ sardonic.
‘Credit-Crisis again, you know?’ sarcastic haha:
‘Import/Export: Shop(s): Chains. People as
She’d also responded.:
‘Prices go up and wages go down, how’s that?!’
‘No good to me. I need stock freely to sell anywhere I like.’
’To anyone, please!’ The Shopkeeper continuing watching the news-broadcast saying:
‘There is a Rally at The Bakery, at Midday. Did you know?’
She’d look(ed.) up-again:
‘The Workers not allowed in. To the Works. Sent Home. Closed for Business.’
‘For anything?’
‘I owe them anyway. The Cash and Carry…You name it! Well into Negative-Equity now. The amount The Shop owes is owed, never Sell-Up now…unless there is a buyer, to-day, with cash! Even then, I wouldn’t take it. Not ‘til this is sorted in our favour, for once!’
‘Money, Again.’
She’d said, and the shopkeeper at the same time and place:
She’d said to seek to cheer the Shopkeeper and Family now emerged from the back room:
‘Have to give it away! Give it all up! This-Shop is owed to who? Who do we owe? Rent. Landlord. Suppliers. Stock for the Shop. Debtors. We are debtors. What we sell goes into paying upfront for anything we sell; not, how much it cost to make. Futures, they call it. Doesn’t matter what the crop is…or the Good. The
Stock has value only so long as it’s sold to pay-off the extortionate debt-fiddled fixed-rate doubles, quadruples. Well, you know how IT goes. They have it made. Or, rather some one-else. Poorly-paid like you and treated Like you have quadrillions made, stack of ‘em high, they, sell ‘em cheap, dependent on cheap-costs, maximum return, the small farms and factories, everywhere…Globally. The People? Yes, the People. We, Us. All of it. Life…’
‘All of it.’
‘The Bread&Cakes Bakery-Factory, yes, why?’
She’d asked.
Then, the Shopkeeper almost finally:
‘That is where He works ‘though, isn’t it?’
‘Not any more it seems…’ her sullen answer.
The Shop Keeper then, with re-newed finality and some-frivolity:
‘How about a free-Newspaper and Loaf?’
‘Everything else has been taken from us, they’ve bled us dry!!’ exclaimed, without irony; re-strained and mix(ed.) with anxious mirth nodding-at noting intern-ally&extern-ally:
‘Stale-Bread. So, you have to buy more plastic-wrapped ‘Rubbish!’ the-one heard the-mother
Saying staying:
’Markets Closed.’
‘Online. It is not in the Newspaper. That is yesterday. Really. Everyday. Only in the news when there something extra-ordinary…’
‘Like a death on the street.’
‘In custody.’
‘That’s where They should be.’
‘Or Hospital…’
She’d said, to stem the previous merriment:
‘Where I’m supposed to be in five…’
The Shop Keeper continued:
‘Presidential-CEO. Convincing Newspapers Boss. Yesterday’s news.’
‘Sign‘0’ The Times.’
Telegraph. City-Metro. Mail…
‘Online!’ then changing-tack tackling:
‘Advertising, That’s All It Is. Celebrity gossip and Royal farts…Sports page is most read…you know. WE can’t even get retail-price from the BREAD&CAKES City-Bakery or fair-price for this shop. It’s happening everywhere, everyday, somewhere!’
‘Lose-It or Sell-It for more than you paid for it, more than I paid for it.’
‘Always. Online Hyper-Mark(i)(t)’s Global. Free News of The World! paid-
Newspapers…gone…closing- now…for Good! High Street. Business and Council Tax and Corporation-
Country Rental Shopfront: now-for:
Digital-Business: Super-Duper Hyper-Markets…Government-Tax. Welfare? Train-Fare? Un-fair!’
‘Off-course! Plastic-Polluters Pay (PPP!!!)!!! Re-cycling Hyper-Markets! The Factory wants to make as much Work-Profit out of All of Us as they can. Out of All of Us. Shops as well. Never mind the measly pay…anyway…’ and pointing thumbs back through the door:
‘If The-Works are closed no Daily Bread&Cake, either. At-least…’ and the money for a stale small-loaf was put-on the counter and the large sliced loaf in its’ mould-inducing coal smelling oily plastic-wrapper wafted and the newspaper with its’ banner headline declaring:
STOCK MARKETS IN CHAOS! was carried off.
The Shopkeeper had said lastly:
‘Take it…’ and She took the newspaper and left the shop for work.

  • -Will you be going into the R(e)ally later? texted when She had left the shop, newspaper online read quickly and then she called his mobile cell-phone with photograph stored number gazed at longingly, but without answer, or voice-message, and as she texted immediately back:
  • No point going in before the Rally?
    -What about any Rally? Won’t get paid anyway…what about The Rally?
  • OK? Going Home first…catch the News…
    -OK O&O4 now…LUVU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    She worked nights, evenings, day shifts. This week, this day, it was the late-day shift; or the day late! as some liked to call it. She arrived at slightly late and clocked-on. From where she drove the ambulance, maintenance engineer and assisted at accidents so-called First Aider but not a Super-Medic like some of the other crews had.
    ‘Be careful, today’ he had said to her:
    ‘I love you’ and she had replied:

  • Accident and Emergency Room (AEC) trained up in skills and procedures, assessment of injuries, life, and death, sometimes…observing vital signs…moving patients safely, onto stretcher or aided walking.
    Checking for any changes. To report to The Qualified Clinician taking relevant information, from carers, and others at the scene.
    Administering first-aid and emergency medical procedures, transporting people to and from hospital, accident and emergency, the elderly and frail to The-Hospital appointments. Could be anything: road accident, multiple severe injuries, or just a scratch. Taking notes for the medics, and the insurance, and Police, if there had been A Criminal Act they would be on the scene-of-the-crime. Alleged. Or the Fire-Service if there had been a fire, or if someone needed cutting out of a car. Rescuing, from a roof. You name it. Anything, and everything could happen, and did. Never a dull moment.

A good job, a great job She enjoyed and was paid, well, reasonably well, but mainly regularly. Not poor definitely not Rich! Could be a pedestrian, or housebound, head wound, heart attack, to broken-toe.

In a busy shopping centre, or on a country lane. Sick baby and worried parent, or elderly infirm, worried-well, or unconcerned brawler wanting to carry the wound back into the bar to show-off, not realising how much blood was being lost; that’s when you needed back-up.
Sometimes a suicide, a murder. Under a moving train, not much you could do them, bag them up and the undertakers take them away, to the morgue. May later just find out the official-cause-of-death: ‘crushing’ or
‘shattered’, in the jargon.
May have been pushed? Asked.
On the roof, threatening to jump:
‘Go on then!’ you always feel like saying:
‘…if you’re going to! I’ve got children to collect from school!’ and she thought of him:
Once the ‘Bouncy Castle’ air mattress is set up against the wall, and the suicide considering the immediate consequence, gets bored and tired and decides to walk the stairs. Could be someone fallen down stairs. Beaten-up in their own Home. Domestic violence, denying, screaming the odds. Unruly, intractable, recalcitrant, not well-behaved. Not well-mannered. Not biddable, broken-bones, not-funny.
It would all be reported, had to be.
To the Social Care Agent. The Housing Re-presentative.
The Police. They would press charges, if necessary.
Must do, ought to. Some of the things you see…
We would pitch-up and patch-up and tell their story as well as our own: witness.
Sometimes threatened as well. You had to stand your ground. Emergency blue light, siren wailing. Steering in and out of that traffic that never seemed to thin out, or even give way sometimes. Still, that was the job. Worth hanging onto. Going on to take the Medic and Paramedic exams, own time; evenings and weekends, and
With him, bring-up the children.
Checked-out the Ambulance.
The-Vehicle: stocked with bandages, medical and life-support equipment.
Ventilator and de-fibrilator fabrication stored properly and in good working-order.
Communication equipment, to the control-room…where she had started-out.
Learning how to differentiate one emergency from another.
Over mobile radio-telephone video-link inside and out the vehicle, ‘…and the patients!’ they would joke.
Heckling themselves in their pain and agony. Not feeling the pain, not giving it out, either.
Checking mileage, speed, safety, on the road, and in situ…clean.
New documentation: date, time report charts, name…
Patient: postcode address, if known, distinguishing features.
Check the fuel and oil and water, start up, at the start, and end of each shift. Driving licence of course… Passenger Public Service classification. Different gross weights and bearing, gear shifts and light and heavy goods for the larger vehicles used in public events…now, though, the regular chat, only if there was time.
When She got in this morning-shift, the morning newspaper, with the Lotto numbers, and television and radio pages: this job makes more like any TV drama, any day of the week weak fiction and drama, real life drama framed within a lifetime.
She liked, a murder, thriller; or a biography. Not many of them write their own, do they? she thought to herself:
What next? I know? Nothing! For the rest of my life! ‘aven’t lived it all, yet! Children. Wife. Husband. Home. The Accident&Emergency Room. Department and Hospital: corridor-wings were otherwise as quiet as usual first thing in the morning: there’s always time for things to change…
‘It always gets busy as soon as I think it’s going to be a quiet day!’ She called to a colleague, and thought to herself turn a-round and something happens, then it all starts happening! You hardly have time to think until the shift is ended, and no overtime-pay! When did I last finish on the dot, the bell!!? she asked herself, rhetorically; and outloud to the others repeated:
‘When did we last finish on the dot?’ answering herself in response, with a thoughtful, but blank thought: ‘Never!’ they all chanted as if they had done this routine before.

Waiting for the first call: that’s when it always happened.

Commuters driving from home, to work. A van, or lorry, at work, driven-recklessly.
Someone in a car-crash. On the way to work, domestic, accident, or not. On your way to early-morning deliveries, or to a job, late-for as if you are the only one on the roads that has an appointment to reach.
With fate, and a social duty ahead Slow Down! You are not the only one! Think Safety!
Efficacyies#1. The imperative
To: keep working too ridiculous time-frames, shifts.
So, she could feel free and feed self and family; and others could be fed and staying-alive.
Referrals from night-doctors; there was always work waiting, anyway no later than sooner, the first call of the day. The druggies and the drunks, and the homeless who often slipped-in, and slept in the waiting rooms during the night shift, had been moved-on, for the day shift to start. It was not any different today, although the last call-out had been a disturbance.
Some missiles thrown and one person injured, the police were there. When the ambulance arrived, the crowd had moved away. The other Ambulance-Crew and State-Police: on stand-by had told them all about it when they got back. The Bank had not opened. A queue, a line had formed outside many metres long and wide, a gathering mobbing crowd really of staff&customers locked-out; and angry, upset, worried, scared, lackadaisical. Bank-Staff and Bank-Customer(s), same. With people trying to get pay and savings-out before the ‘Run-out.’ as it was called. The Bank was closed, until further notice. There had been a scuffle between two of the waiting customers over an unpaid unwritten loan and eventually after others had got embroiled, two or three lay injured.
Someone, bystander, onlooker, passer-by had called an ambulance. Several on-lookers came up to them, as they went to see to the injured customer and/or patient-to-be; and the crowd, realising The Bank was not likely to open, had dispersed to await the further news; and to see hopefully see if The Bank might open that afternoon. She was on second call but was not needed. The injuries were only slight, but the scene was ominous, an omen it seemed for the day.
If real-disaster did strike, she often thought only enough bandages&food for a few days, weeks, maybe; and only if rationed from the start, only enough food at Home, the same. The closer to The Weekly Big Shop time, the less there was at Home…go to the Local Shops when nothing-left-in-the Apartment-Home really, nothing left, at-least not-much#at home. Not stocked-up recently and can hardly afford to go more than for a few days at a time, sometimes only one day, without replenishing need, and goods and services to meet those needs.
Everyone was talking about the crash of the stock-markets and the announcement expected at midday:
‘We’ll have to go to the Super-Duper Hyper-Market tonight!’ she had called after him as he had left; she collecting the children later, after her first shift was done, on second shift later, split-shifts it would have to be.
He going to Work, or the Rally, now? Collecting the Children?
Suddenly everything seemed more un-certain.
And She really did start to wonder what this day would bring.
Leaving the children’s and His own old school&nursery for work He met a Work-Mate going towards The
Bakery or The Works or ‘The Factory’ as it was cynically known: The Bakery. From the Nursery School: passed The Old Church at the top of The High Road now the Local Council Buildings. A Friend and a
Neighbour from the same Housing Block walking in the opposite direction now shared the journey
Home past-by and from:
Bakery Factory-Works:
‘No good going in …’
the other said:
‘They’ve shut The Factory, again. Remember last time? Few more out of work, three-day week again?’
‘The last time, and the time before that!’
‘‘It’s happened before!’ was the blunt reply without irony, the Other replied coldly:
‘Closed-down for good this time we reckon.’
‘Importing-bread! Do you believe that! Shopkeeper said. Prices-Up! Again…they say…’
‘Do they? Not Prices-down, then?’
‘Never. There’s a meeting midday…’ the Other continued:
‘Factory-Fates! We’ll find out then!’ and laughing:
‘See you there!’
SHOUTed as they passed each-other to their separate homes, laughing, at what, they could not be sure:
The Children: waving and laughing too, at what, they knew not what; awaiting afternoon midday-
afternoon, when they may meet up again:
‘Open for the Day!’ notice pinned on the schoolgate re-passed, and now brought back to mind:
Thank Goodness! had been the immediate response.
Although there were mutterings and mumblings about whether The Teachers and Nursery-Nurses would actually see their pay and pensions this month; or, at all. Whether any pay, of how much, and for how long?
The Parents would be able to keep on paying for the basic education never mind the extra trips and activities and equipment for this and that… at least: The School was open and The Children did not need collecting until She finished her first-shift and He finished his at The Bakery early evening, maybe, and she start her second-shift…while He took on The Children again…then: would The Rally put pay to all their carefully laid plans for the-day:
‘Don’t forget After-School!’ the Older-One had called after him.
‘Mum!’ he called.
‘…half-day today.’ the School Teacher had joked and laughing together.
After sending the text about going to the rally, home, first as the children walked, not ran toward the nursery doors, the school-doors, and He out through the School-Gate as he went towards The Factory-Gates anyway and then after meeting: The Friendly Neighbour, they walked back towards their homes and assed by other shops, nodded and said:
‘Hello’ to The Shopkeepers and Their Customers standing around inside and outside on the Street as they passed:
‘Whatever’s going to happen, then?’ one called over:
‘Nothing!’ he called back. Then to The Friendly Neighbour:

Then he went up the stairs to the apartment balcony walkway.

When he got indoors with the key, shouted:
‘Hello!’ only just out of habit and switched on the T.V. again, and started to clear the breakfast things away.
She had already set-off for work with a sandwich and the last of the bread, re-called calling afterwards, after him, and then he thinking: did I say I’d bring some bread home?
And She’d said:
‘I don’t care if its stolen!’ laughing:
‘I’ll bring some from the HERE&NOW Shop.’
She said:

‘Don’t lose your Job over a Loaf of Bread!’

Lucky, I got some in yesterday
He thought and as if spoken out-loud; or sheer-skill remembering that She’d told me before I went to work yesterday, and I didn’t forget…
But this time…today… and as He settled-down with a last of the bread toasted-dry sandwich in front of the television to watch events unfold, he wondered: or did I just imagine that?
From some other time, yesterday? or at all, anyway…
Anyway, what does it matter.
We need bread, then, mindful of the Midday Meeting at Work: and Shopping later at the Super-Hyper-Market wondering: what would happen if there was no bread? No work? No money to pay for the bread, the shopping? The mortgage? worry re-serving re-surfacing not for what would occur anyway, which as yet, he did not know for sure, for certain, what would happen today. Only what may occur, what might and what could occur, which was all he could really think about. Home, and a sandwich with whatever is left in the bottom of the bread-bin. Some half-empty or half-full jar or a tub of something and back to work or not. Back2TheRally. Before The Rally and the Inter-National Bank-Meetings at midday, around the world quickly scanning the front page of the Screen-News:
Stock-markets in Chaos!
Turbulence only!
G-Group Meet at 12.00 High-Noon!
CC Club in difficulties…
Insider Report 2
Today, there is so much owed by so many, that cannot even start to be paid-out, or will ever be paid-back.
This morning the stock-markets are closed. Once more World Trade has ground a halt. All financial currency and credit/loans trading, the trading of stocks and shares, that in recent times has left prices at all high time levels, overnight, have collapsed. We are in the greatest fiscal and financial crisis ever; and yet, again…

Sitting at home no-hurry He realised, then, again, if or if not before, this time: that he didn’t have any cash. Only a couple of plastic notes, the cash-card machines would be empty. If the Banks were closed. There had been panic withdrawing as well as buying yesterday, there would be risk-going around and topping-up the money-machines up with new notes, now, wouldn’t there?
Plastic-Money PayRiots?

The vans and delivery vehicles will be headed-back, or staying in base, with all the Money&Food run-out… The armoured weaponized: Security-Vehicle bullet-proof cars, dark and light brown, black and silver striped, dusty rumbling over the go-slow cobbled pedestrianised High Street.

As if seen: there shops either side, walking down The City-Centre. The as if (i)magined crowds emerged into the square and the mob had emptied the Automatic BANK Teller Machine, well before, so simply locked-up boarded windows and doors, and money machines and empty shops. Social-Media connecting…
SmartPhone(s) across borders…
Civil un-rest internally toppling Nation-State(s) Trade-War rival(s)’: computer- trees: Good MarketKnowledge missing transparency lies internet: Techno-Chaos dis-rupting-Badly. Controlled-Kaos into a future of permanent chaos, for not-slowing down but getting-up faster-and-faster speeds…
Fake-New(s) ‘Paper-Popular targeting Military as well as Economic might:
Might may switch to Cyber-Crime and Currenc(y)ies Corporation(s) the size of any Nation-State without borders; frontiers, of knowledge and hyper-knowledge of each (i)ndividual Behavior-Data(iBD): as Universal as individually-created Personalityies with (E)motionalityies as Unique Selling Point. Unique Selling Record Purchasing Oligarch-Spy poisoned umbrella and arrow-tipped hunting weapon(s)
Now, Cyber-Warrior(s):
‘Move fast and break thing(s)…’ what does that mean?
‘City. Monetarise the-Data Dream-drive: Deals (E)radicating deadly-mosquito…’
‘Eliminating deadly Species…’
‘Otherwise Racial Gender Identity (R/GId.): Owning In-Corporat(ed.)…’
Creative Common(s): Commonalit(y)ies: Criminalities No-Rule(s) except those made-up each time as we move-onto:
-Networked Tech.:
‘Not faring well: safe-targets…’
‘Not fairing enough. Government-Corp(s)(e): or: Nation(s)’ Personal-State owner: worker(s): Own owned-People…’
‘Through their Taxes!’
‘Our-Taxes. Freely dis-owned…’
‘Dis-information: Safe-target(s) Control: One-Demagogue President-Leader(s)’ Sovereign Game(s) of
‘How? Not-Evil?’
’Not-Evil. The only evil is in the-Devil.’
‘Evil can exist.’
‘To-now. Victim(s) 0f Social-Change not perp.(s): Agent(s) with People(s) signing-up to: Authoritarian-
Bureaucrac(y)ies with seeming-only evidence-based policy-making…
‘Democratic-Populism Free and Fair: Geographic-Number(s):’ adding-up minority threatened everyday:
‘Minority-Family Dictatorship. Those of National-Bank Elite(s): Peoples’ Taxes: Pay-Business and
Governance: Pay-Off: Free(m)ium-Benefit(s) Holidays paid-for Health Ex-penses allowed etcetera…’
‘Corporation. Trade-Tax. Income/Outgoings:’
‘Health and Welfare.’
‘Social-Care: Union(s)-of-Trade(s) Guild(ed.) gild(ed.) and self-employed all-of-‘us’…’ same conditions minimum and maximum work-like money-investment spent profit-only those made over and above the previous as over alleged losses less-tax or none@ALL.
Paid-for: site up-grading: packaging costume: re-cycled:
Weapons and Loot-Box:
‘People(s) re-verting to violent rioting…’
‘Working-Strike! Peaceful Re-fusal.’
‘War Violent De-Clar(ed.)!’
‘Re-Venge of the God(s) they are told! Grand: Auto-Theft Rape Pimp and Prostitute(sshh…)’
‘Punishment. Torture.’
‘Only in Military-War does the enemy Rape and Pillage! Pirate-Banditry
Undeclared-War across Oceans.’
‘Nuclear-Batteryies…switches. What-For?’
‘WarFair4.com. By-Order! Trade-War(s): Of:-Leader(s)…CEO…’
On the field: back at the Centre:
‘RE. In the Market(s)…’
‘Who have the Power to say No! No-Longer! War. Is. It de-clar(ed….’
‘Money, Again. Massed-mobilization:’
‘Mass-Service: With-Family Honour:’
‘To do-nothing is to Honour n-thing.’

  • Emergency-Power(s)…
    Energy de-manding protection-propaganda machine-known about lies affecting morale movement heightened or shattered restricting re-tilting e-ethical knowledge through religion(s): RE-viling or regenerating…re-newables…
    Government of People(s) of themsel(f)ves:Our-self
    Popular un-as com(ms)promising enemies through
    Media-Shopping and the Ballot-Box:Science: #
    ‘To: Day.’
    ‘As any day…’
    ‘EvO-lution: Silicon-Valley and Mine(s) now Majorally…’
    ‘Ads’ Revenue:’
    ‘(I)ncentivized de-mand: and: Con.! Costs RE!’
    ‘IT is not lost be-cause it-is has-been only on-screen in-formation: because it is@Uranium
    Silicate…Gold-and-Silver. Gems. That ‘We’ possess; own.’
    ‘Earn? You? Do You Earn?’
    Your screen. WF4. On-screen: numbers on a
    Screen-moving pictures&letters&words…
    ‘Evidence telling you what they mean. Or, what you-think they may mean. What You think other may-
    ‘What You think other may-mean?’
    ‘False-promise(s): Con.’
    ‘Golden. We staked all our money on gold, and gold it must be exchanged for…’
    Progressive-Prices on the-screen analysis:
    ‘Gaming-monetarizing money arising: Trade. In-fluenc(e)…Global-Money.’
    ‘High-rolling bone-dice.’
    Over-sight re-view…
    ‘Non Re-View:’ oversight: tightly gripping expert(s):
    ‘Ex-‘pert’’ and non-expert leader(s) minister(s) and excerciser(s):
    of Knowledge:… > @Analytic(s): list(s):…
    ‘One! Kaos!! Winning!!!’
    ‘Whatever happened to fairness in exchange, in business contracts signed sealed and delivered in
    ‘confidential’ files. Under orders no doubt. Authorising-Regime Trooping-Arm(y)ies: bureaucratically-stabbed (s)tabbed-at: TheEnvy: Enemyies…The: TechnoPower of Money movements.
    TIME&MOTION. Feeding the working-poor crap. Giving to charity, how much? For what tax-concession? Police-escort: definitely and: The Super-Duper Hyper-Market: would not be open, anyway; since most people paid-by: Eazy-Cash: online Credit/debit plastic-card: Gold Silver and Platinum: Loyalty-Card: Only: the Staff- Discount: paid in the stocks of the stores: as well as the Goods in the Shop: River-Island and Oceanic: Wear- Waste WareHouses. WarHorses: know the new(s) analyse infiltrate agents and exiles’ poisoning sabotage, empty-headed warning…
    There was shortage already on the shelves, after one day, yesterday
    The Bank Cash-Machines were all virtually 24-hours anyway.
    Everyday of the home-working and non-working week. Months and Years would go by like this.
    Then. It would all be gone.
    Robbed. Or hoarded. Possibly with violence. Maybe they’ll be closed, waiting with all their
    Stock for the Prices…
    He exclaimed, to himself in image of threatened looting hundreds and thousands of Shoppers ‘stripping the shelves of everything paying, or not’. Closed. The Super-Duper Hyper-Market would be open for the day, surely, next day; if everything was sorted-out by then he wondered If? And how much would everything cost, once it was all sorted out? With what pay? None? Unemployed? Family? Homeless? What about the food and everything?
    Corporations and Governments. Duty bound, to their Stock Holders, their-People, Voters? to put the taxes-up, to their customers, to keep prices down their-Customers…
    Where? Trade-Wars? Money-Wars. Price Wars? Rich-Wars? Poor-Wars? Shopping Wars?
    Anti-Aircraft Carrier
    Of-course off-course…
    Continental Island
    Oceans adrift
    Climate-Public Finance Initiative
    Wars: Credit: Money-War(s)…
    Trade and Tech.-Credit Wars w All Customers and Customary Money becomes shallow-and-weak.
    They at Home: would have enough to stock-up once and then be flat-broke, again; and, if we don’t get paid into the Bank and to them, then what?! and suddenly he-thought less calmly. He had to get some money from the bank and for the mortgage had to be paid would the mortgage be paid if The-Bank was closed?
    There was food in tins and packets in the kitchen and freezer and water in the tap.
    He had a little money, cash. She always had some…us(u)ally…so they should be alright for a few days.
    Perhaps? The Banks had been shut before:
    ‘Bank Holidays!’ as-a-joke, outloud:
    ‘Paid or un-paid. That’s all! It will get sorted out…’ he exclaimed to himself and the Home&Nomitive-
    Goto: The Super-Duper Hyper-market will open this afternoon or tomorrow when The Banks would all no doubt be open again:
    ‘Online! After all, they are not going to want to lose-Business.’
    He read out-loud and to-himself the-room:
    ‘No delivery orders except to the vulnerable or from the Local Food-Bank.’
    He thought i get paid so that they get paid so they pay people like me to pay the prices to pay them back costs and meaty mighty profit year-on-year…day-by-day and so it goes around and to no- one else except the TV screen, on.
    On the T.V. more reports from The Stock-Markets, around the world. Those that had closed or opened and then closed and not-opened for breakfast lunch or tea, suppertime.
    Dinner/Supper, Super-Duper! Hyper-Yesterday:
    The City, the Financial Quarters only, in-justly waiting instruction from Big Business Corporation(s)
    Public/Private Investment Banks subscribed-to too and can’t get-out, of-jail, easily and Government and The- Market(s). Every millisecond of every day, everything moving-again.
    Experts, to give their ‘expert-opinion’.
    Minor officials from banks and governments’ made statements, to the effect that The Banks were closed today as if anyone did not know that by now.
    The Administration. Unless they were brain- dead; or living in the middle of the jungle, or the desert, or up a mountain with no electricity no radio-signal smoke-signals:picto-grammed rocks.
    Clean water-War zones.
    Plastic Oil/GAZ Coal Carbon-Neutral Wars Year Zero.
    Taking from those who’ve got it, by those who have not.
    Land, Re-sources water, Rare Earth Metals.
    Silicon…Gold, Silver&Gems.
    Global: National-Sovereign RE-Public: President has all the Wealth, all the taxes, of the country. The
    People, consumers, customers, and honest-voters…free&fair; fair&free:
    ‘Bank-Charges (BC) criteria to be dropped to-minimal…’
    ‘Government-Taxes and Moneyed-Militia dropped-too.’
    ‘Worldwide. Government Officials are meeting to discuss the crisis.’
    ‘Bank-Criteria? For what?’
    ‘For the richest to ‘stimulate’ their own-economies…’
    ‘Simulate ‘Trickle-Down’ failures. Rising-up…’
    From the TV. The statement at midday would:
    ‘Calm fears of looting…’ etc. never mind looting that had already happened and was about to kick-off again, somewhere, maybe even, here.
    News continued to come in from around the world and was broadcast simultaneously raw and un-edited reports on audio and video from Cities and Country-side.
    Cataloguing the un-folding events. The sound and pictures of people meeting being interviewed ready to comment on the announcements and their responses: at the International Conference the most well-known faces and many totally un-known faces ex-change of formalities…
    Beckoning each other forward, back or sideward, in gestures of Power-Broking Politicking.
    They and as the audience, were made to laugh, or not, like them coyly in public; at comments made amongst each other shook hands and slapped backs. Press-conference and delegate meeting(s) bull-dozed-in
    ‘The Governments and Banks…however, so far cannot agree. Either between themselves, or each other of the Economic-Zone(s).’
    ‘What if they don’t agree?’
    ‘Natch, they will agree, eventually…they have to Eat&Sleep.’
    ‘As: the rest of us…’
    Media-Hype pro’s&cons.
    Lines were drawn and withdrawn re-drawn and drawn a-new; still, there were too-many vested(i)(n)t(e)rest(s): mov(e)ing the money-go a-round Swinging thrown shielded baton-attack
    On screen:
    ‘That)(s): Golden-Global.’
    ‘Basic Dividend/Ratio:’
    ‘Final N/nnn…’
    Sign the document:
    Divide-again and-Rule.
    Global Basic Salary-Insurance…
    Pension Wage-Assurance. Government:
    Pay-Bonds and Tax-Tarif(s) Session…getting re-solved…
    From the Studio: above and behind: The City-Tar Carbon standing foot-print MacAdam:
    Concrete-Road Bridge and Railway-Junction
    Various crossroads: Y/T/X/C/Z inter-section Forked Knifed and Spooned: intra-section
    to The City
    Centre-tapped taped-off in yellow/black, blue/white, red/black as a crime-scene, tapped unknown-b4.
  1. The Banker and The Clerk.
    People coming into The City and towns, and even village-centre(s); gathered, or emptied, travelling-out, and on Motor-Bike and Car. Coach and Container-Lorr(y)ies: like a crime scene, they were made out to be:
  • Nationalist-Exit Security: Re-Main: Presidential-Monarchial Famil(y)ie(s):
  • Fed. Union: The
    Demonstrators and the Security-Forces. Outside, and inside CCTV cameras reached the Boardrooms and
    Bedroom Bathrooms showering leaking e-mails: toxic enough, high-level: Puts and Calls being put-in
    Drop-placed kick-back dropped/rose:
    -On Present Closed-Index: tex-ting sex-ting misog(a)ynoir un-moving…
  • Open-Account: Credit: Default(s) Commission (OACDC): (i)nterest-rate(s): N/n: and Credit Re-bate
    A-bate(s): altering: re-payment: Analysis-Scenario-1:
    News Broadcast: cultural-values moral myth&dream:
    ‘We all seem(ed.) to be holding our-own Our Collective breath(s) and await further- announcement. Meanwhile…’
    People arrived to work to join the meetings and demonstrations that were already gathering in great numbers at workplaces, town square piazza, and villages streets
    Roads into and out-of:
    City Centre(s): Entre-Preneurship: Investment: Enterprise: Business: converging converting-value willingness&capacityies:
    ‘As The Whole World Protests …’
    ‘In City and Town-Square…’
    ‘What do you make of it? On-line and in front of your TV Station: now?’
    The President’s Face appeared.
    It was difficult to tell if at the beginning or end or an almost endless sounding speech perhaps on loop:
    The President look(ed.) drawn, but was drawn-out accordingly:
    ‘Adamant no-changes would be-made’.
    After the previous-offer re-fused: of limit(ed.) change had been ignored and the speech went on and on round and round re-ports and interviews, speeches, and the chants of gathering-crowds.
    The claims of Government-Officials, Politicians and Market Ex-perts at Home and Abroad.
    Supplanted by de-clarations from people on: The-Ground.
    From Workplace Rallying Meetings and City Centre Assemblies and from World-Wide Web embedded: #InterNet and TeleVision
    NetWorks: (i)n some places there was the sound of Police and Ambulance and Fire Sirens and the rumble of tanks and of truncheons beating on protective shields. On the TVscreen.
    On the rapidly re-booted.:snarling-Smart:
    Cell-Phone: add-on screen: the picture froze the phone-book emptied:
    Error message 303: Invalid connection…connection closed…
    As overcrossing an iron-red Estuary bridge un-noticed perhaps by anyone-else in the carriage uncared if-noticed or-not by anyone else at-all. Except each now by the other in-Thrall. Both likewise momentarily inadvertently, and actually advert(0)®(i)ally making eye-contact: flash-framed each-other and through the shared-window as in bright-rainbow and blue sky-coloured mirror imaged as through each of themselves. Each. Other en-raptured recklessly, perhaps, or to be wrecked. As if replicated, refreshing…relishing as then focused-away both to the outside-world as in-differently, similarly, un-differently, perhaps; yet inevitably always differently…from the Estuary-Town Bridge stopped for a shunting Freight- Train many miles long.
    The one-back towards, other-one now darting and starting and staring starred as if beyond both towards the as yet unseen, unseemly rapidly oncoming-City outline screen: anyway horizontally and vertically to the same outside-world moved-past moving-past and through oppositely and into thus as inevitably differently viewed as to what was initially referred to that too, was soon made obvious:
    ‘So, what do We make of it now, eh?’
    Un-charted territory…
    ‘(I(N)(n)ovation that is what is needed. Dis-ruption.’
    ‘Is that what IT is! Staple Food&Home? Stable. Health&Happiness. Continue-Car(e) ing…’
    ‘Doesn’t much matter what It is. As long as It sells…new functional(y)ities…new markets…’
    ‘That are the previously drowned-out. Fell! Through-the-roof!’
    ‘Hung from the-Bridge. Family?’
    ‘Military-Metal. Medal…’
    ‘Oil and Gas and Minerals…’
    ‘If You can get away with It!’
    ‘The same!’ ‘Mistake.’
    ‘Oligarch(y). Again.’ crafted legend on-screen: names and places times and as instantaneously:
    ‘Differentially.’ Relative Centres of the Universe! Meteoric! collisioning, colliding folding downwards, and inward full-fell felt black-red-brown yellow and blue-green species societyies bias to achieve green gender-wash mud-sliding and earth-quaking shaking bursting volcanic red- flaming…white-livid dart-darkness: ‘HolyStoning!’
    ‘Life! Always! Innovation. That’s what make life-exciting. Even Financially rewarding…’
    ‘Or not?’
    ‘Each season brings…’
    ‘New things.’
    ‘Experimental as in ‘Scientific’. An Act of Trust. Trusted-Trade.’
    ‘In Method? Business-Plan?’’
    ‘Political-Bureaucratic Financial-Fixed.’
    ‘Balanced. Securityies’ Protection.’
    ‘So, who wins?’
    ‘We do.’
    ‘4The Richest World-Business Politician leaders’ list(s)…’#
    ‘haha. Old-Fart.’
    ‘Not at all of us, haha.’
    ‘Loser Loses…’
    ‘Everyday returns! No-Limit(s). Free-Trade. No-Borders’
    ‘net-Greedy, then? Usury-Tax. Zero-Rate(s): Social-Interest…’
    ‘Companyies. Secure?’
    ‘So, who is not…’
    ‘Exactly, who is not-normal?’
    ‘What is-normal, eh? Normal Se-Curit(y): Lifestyle? You? Company: Plant?
    Eh? Journ(0)list?’
    ‘You? Keeping the Company-Line? I was here first, b4 you sat down.’
    ‘But how would I know? Government-Officer? That’s ‘It’ isn’t it? Doing the-Governments’ dirty-work!
    Tax-Collector? Inspector? No?’
    ‘Digging Holes…’
    ‘Water Aircraft oversight…’
    ‘Helicoptering. Over Land&Sea: You? To fall-in?’
    ‘Going-up poles! Climb-up the greasy…
    ‘Climb Down&Out.’
    ‘Climb-in and I filling ‘em in again…’
    ‘Rev(er)end’ Revenue-Regulation…’
    ‘Across the Borders…’
    ‘Social-Media. With: The-Peoples’ Work, paid-for by-work.’
    ‘In the Tax-Office? Government-corridors? Room(s). Got the ear?’
    ‘Pigs’ Ear!’
    ‘Sows sow ears.’
    ‘The Tax-Purse.’
    ‘The purse-strings you mean.’
    ‘In a barrel of our-own making…’ each e-stock and commodity
    Share-Price passed each paused sell-by date out-dated: as lower and lower price-marker losses
    moved-across Mathematic, algorithmic rule, program parameterisation, technique, method, probabilistic encryption enciphering model, wavelet&Bayesian and counting on-reading:
    A-Bridge: electronic-boards against rows of blank-banked fan-tail desk-top screen(s)-closing: listing: achronycal and apocryphal-foreign and un-pronounceable; or home-grown and familiar:
    Markets Closed.
  1. Wrecking-Ball.
    The-Clerk asking now:
    ‘So. How did ‘We’ get into this mess?’ ‘What mess? ‘
    ‘This cycle of indebtedness again?’
    ‘This dis-array!’ into the screen:
    ‘Slow- motion…stopped.’
    ‘Saw It-coming?’
    ‘Hit the buffers.’
    Market-advancing advertising speechifying and pictorially there their share(s):
    N%/n%: Chains:5/6 Glo(b)all(y): We pay U
    U pay Us. Unbound:4Prometheus:
    Pandora Red-Queen
    ‘Trading&Hoarding Palaces…’
    ‘Home&Away. Like the game it is: Domestic Home-Work (DHM) Trade-Paid?’
    ‘Trainfare only.’
    ‘WarFair4? Warfare?’
    ‘Don’t say that or it might-may happen!’
    ‘Is happening everyday; every…’
    ‘Where? This little-Turbulence…’ the-Banker perhaps unexpectedly uncompromising in response, to the-
    Clerks’ questioning reckoning:
    ‘Wrecking-Ball!!’ banging both open-palms and closed-fists together.
    Recovering, The-Banker:
    ‘There is a market-situation known as Demand and Supply. Where if a company doesn’t have enough shares in stock to cost and selling distribut(e)ing…then this increases the buying-price for these shares as a result: This is known as a Bull-Market.’
    ‘And this is what it is? What we have?’
    ‘Or perhaps had.’
    ‘Bear Market?’
    ‘Or perhaps a Dragon-Market now?’
    ‘A Tiger-market?’
    ‘A growling Jaguar squawking screeching-Macaw-Monkey Market if you like!’
    ‘A Liger!’
    ‘A Tion!’
    ‘A Lie-grrrr…’
    ‘Acceptance, only Natural-Bonfire?’

’Of the Vanities? ‘It’ doesn’t matter what you call ‘It’ The Bigger Picture (TBP)…’

Thinking outside in the-box…

  • From apparently outside the carriage momentarily looked blankly, thought and spoke, the-Banker thought through the glass:
    ‘The reverse-situation…’
    ‘Affirmative-action to clinch-the-deal?’
    Looking away, and then back:
    ‘All Business Begins with Demand. Demand, then,’
    ‘Supply. Give and Take.’
    ‘Take, then not-give back?’
    ‘Contractual Priorities, first.’
    Con-clusively not-getting the reverse-irony from the pen-ultimately: simultaneously auto: closing…
    Un-concerned: Trade(s): anti-Trust: someone you know: Head of the Family at HQ.
    Trust-Buster(s): a long way behind the-curve: Customer Consumer-Welfare:
    Over: The-Bridge: un-named…continuing out the other end of a concrete cement volcano-mountain tunnel- subway sub-station airshaft: con-(d)(i)(t)ioning: tunnelling underground railway towards the-City Central- Station:
    ‘Bear-Market: this is when there is an increase in sellers…’
    ‘I know that…’
    ‘…and a fall in buyers. Stocks. Stopped. Goods. Services and: The money…mostly…’
    ‘Bull? Mine?’
    ‘For: Shares: (i)nvestment(s):’
    ‘Every-Bodies’…’ savings pensions and insurance: investment: salaries and wage-rate(s): monthly… weekly and short-day: rates:…
    ‘This is now how what we now have. Risk-Factors Shared Bank of You&Me. The International-Banks and Economic-Zones: Ltd. Liabilityies. Government and Corporation(s): IT is a Global Market. Shared. Now the bottom has fallen out of it. Share the Pain?’
    From the-Banker, a printed-card handed over with writing seen:
    The Rational Equitable: Economic. Effective. Efficient.
    (The-City outline Skyline Logo)
    Nothing else: coated black-leather diamonte cream-clothed City-spectrum grey-suited:
    ‘You think this is Easy, too?’ as if practiced before.
    The-Clerk taking and re-reading the-card noted:
    ‘Valuable Market(s): Rational-Logistics. Import/Export.’
    ‘And Bust!’
    ‘Stopped. Prices…’
    ‘Failure. Tax-Sub-sid(y)(s){Public/Private Investment} or Sanc-Tion(s): Scarcity:Starvation.
    Government-Owned. Peoples Pensions&Insurances.
    Owned. Negative-equity: lockdown-austerity stay for five-year plan(s): not-Homeless.
    ‘Plan. No-Debt(s) as such, you see…’
    ‘No. Debts.’
    Do you hold a position that effects how you are taxed?
    You will be judged by your
    ‘Who wouldn’t if they could do it.’ with-out nominativity anyone’s guess.’
    ‘Legally? The FED Ex-chequer?’
    ‘Game of-course, they would not be Taxes otherwise. RE-gulations’ Earning. Pay As You Earn (PAYE). Or, not? Then, paid in-arrears 1-3 month deal(s):Mickey-Mouse Money. Short-Growing Season…in arrears 1-3 years…’
    ‘Hell on the wave(s). Shorter Eternity!’
    ‘Of Base Metals and BIG Pharma-Food
    Mineral(s): Priced. Valued: 3-5year(s): Harvest-Moons’ Magic-Mars. Money? Worthless.
    Taxation the same. Stolen: Re-Valu(e)ing: currency against other: Rich(er)/poor(er) list(s):
    Subsid(y)ie(s): San©t()ion(s):
    ‘Industry/Transport, that’s it. Underwriter?’
    ‘Breaker? Worth less to they who give more a re-(V)aluing…’
    ‘Bought-Up See?’ >
    <Cheaply0(IES)’ falling-in…
    ‘De-bit: Cre-dit: driven…’
    ‘Given re-mit: hit, hard, tortured, for failing…
    ‘On-(I)nterest made: Reasonable. Re-Paid. Credit-Debit: Paid again…see?’
    ‘And The Cash-Funds?’
    ‘Of-course, to draw-back on…’
    Free-running now on all-cylinders. The-Banker let loose, re-covering, on the tracks, next-steps: next-track line:
    ‘The Stock-Market Prices although always at some point in the past minimal seconded in seconds. Pica- Quantum seconds!’
    ‘Like the-last night?’
    ‘Confidence remains-high.’
    ‘Others’ collapsed completely.’
    ‘Analyst? Accountant. Stock-Broker. That’s it, isn’t it?
    ‘As the others.’
    ‘Risen by more…Buy them up?’
    ‘You got IT!’
    ‘No, You? Business-Lawyer Party?’
    ‘Peoples’ Fairness Party?’
    ‘Farmer(s)& Industrialist Parties(ies). Parliamentary-Ombudsman…’
    ‘How much of the cake, eh?’
    ‘Honest Free&fair.
    ‘Now, you got it…’
    ‘40% Money.’
    ‘60% no-thing…’ as the previous evening passed into-night and into this day for The-Banker:
    ‘From:First-impact! Trading instantly as a Body!’ collapsed.
    ‘In the moment between open and closed.’
    ‘Fortunes RE-tained.’
    ‘And fortunes lost. Not this one!’ in that brief second-take before the closure the final roll of coins landing face-up or tail-up…

  • Across the-Globe without the liquid monetary-assets to pay or re-pay; or, to cash-in:
    ‘New: Target: Space?’
    ‘You Try It? Go Up in your own Rocket. In case it blows up, you paid for it!’
    ‘For the BitCoin Asset(s) to be burned-off!’
    Asset? Whole-Corporation(s):
    ‘Brought-down! Presidents. Governments! Even?’
    ‘Never. Greedier! Gluttonous…’
    ‘To be sold-on…’
    ‘With non-existent Judicial-Credit.’
    ‘Just: on-paper: Only. Un-
    Jus(t)(l)(y).’ On-screen:
    < People-Paradox: tautolog(y)ies: competition: author(y)ities: technical-offences small-minded simply: #>Corporate-Merchant. Investment-Bank Rational-Equitable(s)…

Rational, why/how?
< Equitable, why/how?
< Efficient, how/why?
Economic, how/why? < Effective, how/why?
 Innovation…
 Fin(a)(n)©(ed.)  Finished.

As if behind a paper curtain hidden, heard, anger:

‘Since the inevitable: Pay-up-and Get-out!’ the-Clerk now sub-claused:
‘Currency currently and con-currently worthless in name. Shares worth the value of the product costs and
pricing is all.’
‘What Product? All? Any? Services? Not-making Primaries: but Secondary: Initial Re-Sources: clean-
Air, Food and Water. Shelter.’
‘Work Welter-Services. Fire and Ambulance. Army!’
‘Police: Hospital and Social-Worker(s):
Welfare Securityies…
‘Re-volving Door(s).’
‘N/nnn Restaurant-Hotel: adapting to those who need a roof and those who need food primarily, then, everything else follows the money.’
‘Home. Money some-sum#Cash?’
‘Happiness HotSpot(s). Health.’
‘None. Relative to others…not of-themselves toxic…but toxic of whatever noxious-currency they are being bought and sold-for between (I)nvestment-Moneyied (B)anks (IMBs) exactly N/nnn…’
‘Or-not, as the case may be.’
‘Exactly. Nuclear. DNA-Power! Yes!!’
‘Exceptionalism. Exactly!’
‘Negotiable, shall we say?’
‘Fights for the right…’
‘With others…’
‘Stock-Goods…’ ex-changing:
The-property of whoever has bought or been sold-out.
As: moneyed-share(s) in the first place, re-sources mined and diverted fractions’ exploited
As human have exploited human from the beginning
‘…solitary and poor, nasty brutish and short.’ (Leviathan Hobbes 1651)
Except now…
‘Money. Locked-up…’
‘Worth nothing if you can’t spend it, eh?’
‘All. Hardly…except the actual goods’ Stock.’
‘Good value…’
‘Got to get them moving…’
‘What people want.’
‘Plastic Metal Money…’
‘Cyber-Cash di-verting…’
‘Advertising Analysis Market-Research…’
‘Need to know what’s out there?’
‘I only ask once.’
On-screen headphone:
‘All Put’s made must Stay.’
‘The Credit is the Country…’
‘Where We Are…’
‘All-Assets! Instant-
Winnings! Win-Win! In-Stalled precisely! Business as Usual. Trillionaires-Only. Quadrillion or Nothing!’ is moving…
‘Nothing is moving…’
Looking-out of the window. Across oil-gas field pipeline gravel graveyard pitted mined hillsides.
Concrete cement-based conveyer-belt-brick-buildings, coal smoke-stacked flues…venting:
Wooden furniture like Forest-Homes
Cloth-mill factoryies
Brickfield chimneys
Auto- Algorithmic
‘With wider and wider differential-ratings…’
Deliberately looking again, forward through the window, directing the gaze:
‘Stalled. Between one day and the-next…’
‘Between one-place…
‘…and an-other.’
Looking, out-the-window moving-along as to-gether as can be:
‘Until this Day.’
‘When the-Bear laid-down?’
‘Or clawed Its way back…’
‘The Markets?’
‘Taken to the air…or whatever….’
Crash! landed without any other animal-analogy thought-of statuesque yet misrepresented the otherwise rapidly turning-numbers turned-off frozen and unrevealing shot-down drowned-out surfaced: exploded in slowmotion…in-pieces:
‘Blown-up!’ market-marker board and screen-seen pictured mobile-camera photographed: on the train travelling from where The Worlds’ Stock-Markets’ early-day trading had or would have already begun.
With the hammer of ancient cast-metal brazen-gong, heard.
A knotted-tied rope-pulled, a whistle or an air-horn, an electronic buzzer air-vibration-released…
Signal: Warning…sign:
Markets Closed.
‘Red light…’ black as the night, yellow-red, to blue-green, as to the light of day.
As when the field or factory-hooter horn-blasted pale-pastel yellow-orange rising over the horizon.
As at the-beginning, and then again, the closing-of-Business-Trading. The-previous-day, started midday where- ever it was; trading-constantly throughout the world, around the globe, and then as with each evening following-on morning to the final-days’ trade, and the next un-started:
‘Was it correct? Or not?’
The-Clerk checking-accounts’ screen: clicking:
<Accounts? closing…instantly closed-down…
Credit? Advanced?
<Profit in… T1:T2…less previous…
Lost! The Entire History of The World: Shamen Sherman-Tank and blasted into mud and rock.
<Granite and Glass Building-Sand: Salt&Sugar.
Iron Steel and Glass-Houses
<Public: Limited-Liability…
Computer in Glass: Building-sand@The-Banker:Cognitive-Bias fear-factoring:
‘Aces-in-their-Places! Done-deal! Commission! Profit-margins ?…’ rapidly typing numbers and entering the fray…
‘Communist-Capitalist: Building-Risk: N/nnnn…Bonus! Stays! Stay-Put.’
‘Until they are Put.’
‘Again? All that is in the-Future…’
‘Futures. Exactly.’
‘So, it doesn’t matter, now?’ Long Ker-ching! Blinging!’ behind the scenes.
Future stabilizing then immediately:
‘Shortly back onto the Dealing-Room floor leveraging core-competencies…’
‘Play for-Today?’
‘Pay for today!’#
’Daily Me…’
‘Ticket-takeover: Boom! waved through…’
‘Con-Tort and Ex-hort…’
Legal-Frame work:
‘Border(s) uncertain…’ commission: fees and fortune: all: shopping-list(s): mis-leading data not-open leading data-rushing…
‘No-Going Back (NGB).’
‘Federal Trade Commission (FDC): Department(s): of Justice (DoJ(s)). Easy-Exchequer personal-wealth funded by Federal-Fiat Sovereign-Banks…’
‘Public-used voted-as Private-pawns in a Global-Game…’
‘Scandalous-RISK! When push comes to shove, deadly…’
The-Train: re-furbed re-freshment(s)-trolley. Bought and Sold. Hot and cold, coffee and tea, and snacks delivered paid-for placed onto: The Table: between:
‘Well. Here’s the Deal…’un-questioning intention:
‘Anymore further-loans at fixed-assured rates…’
‘To re-finance the debt.’
‘What debt?’
‘Re-Venue(s): payment(s) made in data: puta(t)ive-takeover(s): Land Bank and Industry: flex(i)ble: FTC and DOJ. Your debt: covering possible-losses…’
‘Surely Loss-over-Profit:last-year:…’
‘You Bet!’
‘Do you?’
‘Never. Insurance. Never use that word!’
‘What never?’
‘Communist-Capitalist: Building-Risk: N/nnnn…’
Pension-Personal Private Investements’ Asset building (i)nterest-rate(s):…felled payments increased with surety of: Inter-Bank (IB) Inter-Governmental (IG):
‘Self? not-Shareholder paying fraud: Rate-fixing…’
‘Price-Fixing. In business no-one is your friend, you are friend to everyone…’
‘Corporate-Cartel Company. The International Conference! World-Bank(s). Of course! Currency!’
‘Electric! Fixed-Price(s) Interest and Ex-change Rates (FPI&ERs)…’
‘No, fixed-prices.’
‘Bartering numbers on a screen? Money will take care of that.’
‘Trust will take care of that.’
RE-ligious-leaders are not economists.’
‘Economists, are not religious leaders, are they?
‘Political. Leaders. We all have them.’
‘We need them.’
‘Doesn’t follow…’
‘Who does?’
‘What it does is either lead or follow, lead and follow, not-lead, not-follow…’ follow and not-lead, or Lead and not-follow. Wanting it all. Growing exponentially every year but not
-(i)mplementor. Implementing the opposite, either/or. Money to spend to buy goods to buy costs invested-in
bought with ‘money’ used to buy goods etc…for a cost-price return above 0.
Profit, in other words, of +1 not –1.
‘A declaration expected today…’
‘EX- PLa(i)nementary ‘
‘Or thereabouts…’
Re-called. Stepped-back, looked.
Stepped-up…and in again:
‘No-longer Banking…’ anywhere,
‘The Conference: To stabilize: Major Global-Currenc(y)ies: against each…’
‘Yes. I know that.
‘Of Exchange-Rates.’
‘I know that too!’
‘At some lower fiscal rate agreed.’
‘Or not?’
‘And lower…’
‘You got it!’
‘No. You got It.’
At the same time:
‘If You got it. They got you. What-if: The Inter-National Conference cannot agree? Base-rates…or every-one: RE-fuses-t0?’
The-Banker looking-up sharply and out of the window as if there were nothing there.
Where farms and factory-buildings, homes and retail-parks flashed-by…
Held. The-Clerk, as if sub-claused again, now. Left out-in-the-cold. The- Sun: warming hillside outside, shouldered-out of the window re-flection…moving-on.
Attempting, open-jawed to-fill the-void…no-words came out.
Dry-mouthed, and with an in-tangible un-certainty
Un-familiar-anxiety both yet not so obviously one to the other, and again, anyway re-torting to:
The-Bankers’ in-complete early statement asking-again:
‘What do you make of it, now, then?’
‘‘We’ make of it what we can…’
‘And if they cannot agree…?’ de-liberately paused…

‘They cannot dis-agree.’ not-even thought-out about immediatelyies:
‘Threat-en rates only rarely.’
‘Self-Interest. That they must-Do?!’
‘They will. To-Live?’
‘Of violent-battery muggings murders and mayhem while…’War’ declared by otherwise piratical-
‘Lobbyist&advisor why, not? General-Fake Fear-Factor(s).’
‘Their will, of course, they must.’
‘Presidential-Democratically?’ by implied-threat of losing-power over the rich- exchequer…
Everyone in-volved from the eco-richest to the eco-poorest…
‘We will prevail.’ photo-shopped elastic-banded sprung-back missiles blasted-into hordes of hired-mourners massed-crowds gazing at a passing poster-advert, both:
Markets Closed.
‘Super-Market Sweep!’#
‘Stock-Market closed-share prices…’
‘Hyper-Global: Markets: Global…’
‘State Troop(s)er(s): Militia: at points and places…’
‘Guarding the exchequer not the people.’
‘Guarding the energy. Numbers gone crazy! Bull: Bear-Eagle…’
‘Dragon. Makes the-odds.’
‘Does the Deals.’
‘In money…’
‘Some may not re-turn Democratic-Proportionate ratios: N/nnn…’

  • From: every-day shopping
    Going to the cinema, theatre…
    Un-knowable until the first and last words are uttered…heard:
    ‘No-one knows how this will turn out.’
    ‘Where sport-differs everygame from:’
    ‘Theatre, no-one but the cast&crew and actors and producers directing the final piece set-in stone otherwise (i)mp®o(v)(i)sed control&command’
    ‘Komodo-Dragon…’ the end is known/not-known until the end di-urnal solitary carn(i)(v)(0)rous( e) hunters, of pig and deer, hunted water-Buffalo cheese pulled and fishes out of home sprung-waters…potted and channel(ed.):
    ‘In the soup…’
    ‘Name names.’
    ‘Fam(i)l(y) e-fi®m(y)(e)(s)…’
    ‘Good Law Project.’
    ‘Democratic pro-portional…
    -Rep.(s) reflect voters and non-voters views proportionately-or…’
    ‘Democratic-Proportionate ratios: N/nnn…’
    ‘Closed Markets.’
    ‘Open-Fairness. Some adapt…some do not.’
    ‘There is the fight: the fright and flight. Exile…whole-fam(i)lies’ murdered. Dead. The Well Fair-
    Benefits System.
    Trans-parent facilitate-tour: your:
    Into: Sovereign-Wealth: Fixed: in the ad-vantage.’#
    Big: Business:
    No longer rising… as unknown before…a-moment…then:
    <Payback Time!@Big-Banks: National and Private: Family-International: Global Co’s CEO:
    Limited-Liability Partnership(s): The-Government(s)’ ‘The People’; (I)(n)-Corporated. in the
    background…foreground: pulling the strings…
    (Is) suing-suggestions: modeling modest debt-reminders…
    Cash-flow cut-off threats if-necessary:
    ‘Fuel-flow cut-off.’
    ‘Bargain: Trade-Agreement’s:’
    ‘Trade-ins? For what?’
    Seasonal Sensational-transfer…to-day in the…
    ‘Detonating bottom-feeder top-starved of…’
    ‘Money! Sport. War! Team-talk. Other-Separation! GasOil Go!’
    ‘Tax?’ at all, never mind:
    ‘Call It what you will…’
    ‘Tax?’ at all, never mind:
    ‘With what?’
    Ex-tracting: Subscribers
    Customer-consumer endorsing ratifier-reading:
    Money. On screen:
    Nautilus Minerals: green&blue-sky gold, zinc and copper, bronzed lustrous alloyed silicon super-conducting metal(s):
    ‘Making: thing(s) 4D. Metals. Minerals.’
    ‘Insider: Industrial: Digital-Machinery: made: Goods and
    Services: made-in:
    Territorial-Water(s): slurrying slush-silted: contractual-difficulties:
    MB Holding Omani and Metal 3-LionVest:


When: The AllTheTime Cops-Corps:
‘Harvest-Food. Manufacturing Good(s) and Service(s): ’It’(s) the Internet of-things all- thing(s): Held-to account. Accounting. Get(s) more-serious:…’
‘PUT(s)&STAY(s); Always(s): The Government Tax-Federal and
Fed. centralised…’
‘People-ask what?’
‘Is there a Cityies-Bank Curfew?’
‘Always has been. People?’
No minor under the age of eighteen is allowed in a public-place including a business opened to the public or be in a car or motorcycle on public streets during these hours 12.00 midnight 6.a.m. Friday-Saturday 1/63% chance of becoming a victim of either violent or propert(y)ies crime higher than 71%
Of the state’s cities and towns of all sizes. Building infrastructure on plan on flood plain and this not considered in the report.
Plains commission to replace pump-station not worked properly for some time and caused flooding sanitiser backup shit farm.
Historic end-of-life site-plan shows wetlands above 100year floodplain only sewerage to-vote
Sign-off conversation no rushing in water truth table take as yes
yeh so ans.
email Zoom no further concerns positives and not terrible outcome hasn’t flooded in my lifetime…
No further email move to vote-call for motion …
second admin call all names…
Do I have a motion for Phillip to…
Rob (male).
Cancellation notice sent-out if failed may not be
Keep u posted if I can.
So many emails zooms…
Thanks internet!
Motion to adjourn seconded
Ayes Nxt meeting
Agenda present motions…all white small mixed-race
Other-race pop. housing 2 per dwelling average
4-9 rooms av.
Age bell-curve from 0-90
Cars 2 av. two per household most with many without vehicles except carts and cycles
‘I never thought anyone could be so…’
‘Root&Branch Greedy…’
‘Greedyies Steak-House(s).’
‘When ‘it’ happen(ed.)…’
‘You knew?’
‘All of us. Despotic…’
‘Not everyone is greedyies or despotic little-peoples….’
‘All the time…’
‘But the more we-have…’
‘The greedier we-get…’
Stock-Broth and Bread
Good-Health Medical-Supplies (G-H M-S) Banking then Trade-stoppage.
‘Welfare: Benefit Bank-rolled then…’
‘Stopped. Health&Social-Care.’ as Embargo Sanctions really-stopped: Printing-money, mining the depths.
Re-started: food-shortages and no-water, how about that?
Currency: as-Sanction(s):
‘B(y)(i)te-Market4what? Currency vs. Currencyies…’
‘Food!’ wet-and-dry moneyies:
‘Eat The Rich.’
‘Eat Their Money!
‘Environment. We Grow Our Own. Stable Healthy-(E)conomyies…’
‘Thanks. Whose?’
‘(Y)(O)(U)r(s): Social Familyies-Stabilityies…’
Tran(s)parent:take-a-Tour: on the sly sky-line glanced, surreptitiously or openly-simply un-challenged:
‘Lawyers. Written. Then IT is down to others’…’
‘Buy-in? Or Sold-off?’
‘Buyers or Sellers.’
‘Not-One but Manyies. Never one good-reason or none. Buyers or Sellers’ Market.’
‘Country on the Click?’
‘Not Re-fe®€nce. Army? Weapons? Abroad?’
‘Torturing, getting-off. Police. Shields and Tank(s) through the middle-terrifying… ‘
‘If you are a Buyer, or a Seller? Boom! BOOM!!’
‘…and Bust.’
‘And BOOM!! Again! Until it’s time to go Bust! again…’It’ is all about when you get-in and when your
get-out…’ in the background now: E-Car engine(s) racing against each-other, then, from the Cock-Pit into the
Infinite Sequence
Finite Sequence of well-defined computer-implementable instructions typ(i)(c)ally to solve a class of problems or to perform a-computation:
‘Each-Other! Algorithmic:bias(ed.) un-bias(ed.) De-selection all ways the fear. DE-National RE-
Natural. Local: RE-Selection. Den(i)zen-Election(s)…’
Express. Free-and-Fair for later-Life:
Health: re-tirement from work4Leisure Time-
Warner)@Re-search: development…de-signing titles’ run…
Pictured: capital-accumulation by debt dis-possession lifetime(s) asset-release:
‘Air&Ground. Solar-Wind&Water Energyies…Free&Fair usage everyday voter-winnings buyer- suppression seller instilling-fear by presumed ass(u)med-threat…tweeting
Supremacy treating homelessness as hopelessness: with helplessness negative-campaigning voter re-pression quantifying-data:
‘Push the Envelope.’
‘Whatever that means…’
‘A.N. Other-narrative…counter-narrative:’
‘Blame-Provok(e)(a)t-ion other-riot(s)&not-social care…’
‘Target for-eternity…’
‘Trust-in-God. Could be.’
‘Fam.-Farm or Something?’
‘Something…’ as any small-Familyies
‘Business: flourishing…’
The-Banker accordingly, affordably breaking-out of the cyclical-contortion, if for nothing-else in-particular, except attempting-testily an ex-planation of:
‘The customary re-normalising-writ to-be pre-sented of-what maybe im-plied. RE-presenting: in Real- terms:’
‘You could say that. Monetary-Terms&Conditions Trade(s)-Union(s): and that which will decide the-
Day…This-Day: Periodic-Existential-Crisis of Capitalism…’
‘Again! Proletarian-Communism. Bourgeois-Business…’
‘Of: Collateral.’
‘Townies and City-Money!’
‘Communism Capitalist-style.’
‘Capitalism Soviet-style.’
‘Super-Rich National Investment-Banking Services (NIBS)…’
‘Servicing Private-Equity acquired-existing and formerly-existing ministerial portfolio riches to rob the public-blinded by media-flashlights securityies to seek to do the same if I was in their position I wd selected-sleaze…’
‘With Goods and Services
(GaSs)! Us! Accounting-for: Raw- material(s): Metals and minerals from this Earth

GasOilPlastic (GOP)

Solar Wind&Wave
‘Moon-Fools! Gold! Gems, now, Money itself! Contracts still got out of by threat of military-
Names&Numbers on-a screen:
Pica Nano-second by second…
’’It’ seems as-if…’It’ is only having that Competitive-edge.’ Elect/ric.
‘Nationally? I see it in you. You’re a ‘Natural!’
A bit too sarcastically, or was it ironical, or even:
‘To be honest…’
like Presidential-Royalty.
Some. Time(s)
Rigged fak(ed.) NEW(S)BITE:
‘B(i)(0)(y)(g)ht letters?’
‘New(s) (n#)umbers on re-peat…’’
‘Each Generation: does its’ best.’
‘Fake-Stock-Market(s): N/nnn…con-fidence portrayed.’
‘On The Townie High-Street: Good?’
Civil not-criminal in the eyes of those who make the laws and those who ad-minister
The laws to a-bide.
‘To be honest…’
‘You mean you haven’t been up ‘til now?’
‘Too honest, perhaps?’
‘All of us. Free-Fear based factoring-factories…’
‘Supply-Chain fin(anc)ing future-accounts…’
‘Receivable, or not.’
‘Or, none. Healing -numbers…’
‘Everything I say is false…’
‘You think? True?’
‘Never mind. Some…’
‘Only if True?’
‘Only if True.’
‘If Only The-Truth.’
‘Only if Naturalised Nationalised-State Den(i)Zen.’
‘Some. Known lyin’ and cheatin’…’
‘Human Nature: Animal-Spirits…’ self
Public-scrutiny breaches of confidentiality not-in the public-interest
Citizen. Country-Den(i)zen other-observ(ed.) self-fulfilling in the glow of a naturalistic-fallaciously held- privately and publicly-renewed accountabilityies self-admiration administration:
‘‘We’. Pre-par(e) for ‘It’.’
‘‘We’ Will?’
‘Respec’. Our-Will?’
Meeting head-on:
‘On what?’
‘Commodities-vote: This Stock-Market…’
‘(E)l(e)©t(i)(v)(e2) De-bacle!’ Truth-Decay. Facts don’t Matter dis-belief yet enforced
Belief-in institutions fact-gaps many-minds complex online media governance flag ‘n’ tag.
Cha(n)ge Dy(n)amics
All the time electro-magnetic fields
G-forces adrenalin driving-dangerously
Cyber war-forces working nuclear-minds and bodies destroyers of de-centralised standards
Spoken and un-spoken. Not what they say but what we-they leave-out:
‘Or could you have been?’
‘Prepared for this?’
(I)(n)(Tel.) (cel.) the correct place, at the correct time, with the correct amount of risk-to from:
‘As in: preparations for a failed Harvest-Market Agr(i)Culture: Crash!’
‘That’s if IT is. Isn’t it? BOOMING!!!’ Cover-up
Conspiracy! As in wartime
You want Me to fix

Pharma. Food—Price(s):

          ‘Meds:’ reviewed re-placed changed every eighteen months and  going-down: 

N/n…Daily…like the Free-Energy Hardware micro-funding Nano-second-by second…’
‘Moore’s Law now faster and faster…’ no-one knows notices until the penultimate final:
‘Democratic-Proportionate ratios: N/nnn…’
Markets Closed. -second:
‘What is that game you have there WarFare4?’
‘Game? WarFair4.com. Only another Trading-Game: Cost-
Price(s) War(s): Battles’ Bullets&Bandage(s): and…Sold&Bought: Price(s): Bread. Money…
REsources: Home-Class. Educated-Army of Bureaucratic-Pragmatism. Workers. Labours’
Humanitarian-Aid: Government(s)’ United-Nation(s): President(s): Royal-Secular:
Nation-States: de-salinate sat(ed.) salt(ed.) Poison(ed.)ING
‘All going down…’
‘Unless we catch up with I.T.’
‘Homeless in-steaders…’
‘Jobs and Mortgage!’
‘Godless Atheist-Nation!
‘So What?’
‘Space-Girl Pirates!’
‘Un-declared War-fare fair?’
committing Genocide-ordered
‘Agnostic is enough.’
‘And Savings…’ going-down…
‘What savings?’
‘Investment(s). Oh…Family-Business?’
‘And the Credit-
Debit Loyalty-Card(s)? Mort-en-gaged. Pay-Day Loan(s) (PDL): Debts that go with…’
‘Sherriff? Bailiff?’
‘So, what are the rest of us supposed to prepare-for? To be starved into submission like subservient
‘To be Homeless…and at War with the News of the World of Nature.’
‘So, Mort-gagged. Credit/Debit Plastic Card&cards… ‘#
‘Anything else? Shop-cards? Loyalty-Card?’#
‘Nature is that what it is? How many Ex(e)cutive. Or: non-executive Ex-Executive criminal civil re-
turned? RE-
sum(ed.) what about the Banks? R/E Investment-Houses owned? What about the Banks?’
‘Owned! The Bank of Me. Fair&Free.’
‘Pensions and In-surance(s): Re-in-surances:##’
‘Home. To: the highest-bidder lowest sell-back buy-back. Get ‘IT’, now, do you? ‘We’ not-owe them or you! ‘They’ do not own us any-longer. People(s): Pensions and Insurances not in-sured…’
‘Precisely! Work&Circular-Power: LiB(el)(l)Compensation-Litigation…serving on the Board:
Managing-Director. President CEO of several Fun-Run: CFO Business-Boards: different Familyies .’
‘Family. Executive. Non-executive, you get me? Families’ School&Uni-versity: Executive-
‘CFO do as
they please…’
‘They owe Us!’
‘They own Us!’
‘Like slaves, servants’ wages of Sin!’
‘UN-earn(ed.) Lawyers. Financial.’
‘So, own-up-to down-to Financial-Trust: again.’
‘Only. Power.’
‘Place. Energyies…’
Number(s) on a screen:
‘They only want you to owe-them not to Own-Them. They own Them. As we own-ourselves…not
others but all freely&fairly well…’
‘Fair. If We Want To. Fare-Shareholder…’
‘Fair-voter…Consumer-Taxpayer owed-own own(ed.):’
‘The-People cannot buck the markets.’
‘But, you can f… them. Peoples’ Building-Societyies’ Savings Co-operative…competitive…
rates&prices dropping-out of the-game you-might with shares and insurances and pensions…’
‘Salaries and wages if-paid at all.’
Leave of absence pay some-of off:
‘Tax Re-turn…’
‘Off The-Economy.’
Self-concept maintenance confidence in con-flict:
People. N/nnn. Yes. Democratic Majority-Now! Free&Fair!
Check(ed.): Communist: Capitalist Sophist-tools&Management:
automated selection-bias countered proportionately to the advantage of the least well-off.
Entire organisational assurance Royal-Presidential live(s)
Family workforce safest most-sustainable and most cost/debt
Effective buying assets out-of cheap-debt then sell-high bitcoin doge
Bubbling underwritten by-values and references on-screen
Computer acronym letters numbers shifting endlessly…
‘Won! GO-Vern!’
‘Many-more x-change(s)…’
‘Least-worst proportional…’
‘At all costs, lie if you have to.’
‘Then. Dropped-out now…’
‘Owe-them: The-Big Bank(s) and little small-bank(s)…’
‘Corporation(s) Of Us?’
Market-Floatation(s). sinking…
‘Millennium-Tsunami Take-Over(s)! Of course! The Big-Banks’ BOOM! BUST!! Don’t want you to own-them. They want you to owe-them…’
‘Big-Time plenty-greedy with subscription free-fee at the point of entry/delivery level interest-rates and Corporate mis-selling Tax ad(v)(in)ertising
R&R:innovation: Media: Holidays in the Sun: Anthropological: Social-Authoritarian: Regime-Taxis&People:
Pay for Police and Army Security: Number(s) on a screen: Boardgame: Risk!
RISK! The Government(s) of The People(s) the(y) want you to continue swimming in-shit but not too quickly not too-much growth, to start with: then: mushrooms-in-the-dark:In-finite Eternal Infernal
Legac(y)ies of this Day! Everyday Heavenly in a finite-World. Life?
Is it?
Finite-Failure of This World. This Universe…
Us forever!
Continue paying-off
Whatever It is
Subscription hidden-payments:
Family4: Eternity: ’though…
One-Stop Shop.
‘BREAD&CAKES. Quants?’
‘From: Quotatives Bail-out that is all they want.’
‘Your Belongings, eh?’
‘Possessions, eh? Own. Property. Government-(I)ndependent Private-Business (IPBs)…’
‘Family Private-Equity in-Trade: Transport&Communication(s). Media….’
‘Free&Fair Elections?’
‘Sure. Corporate-{ersonal Tax avoidance/evasion…’
‘Narrative-of: In-vasion…’

Private-Accounts. Personal-Equity, money- in-the-bank investment for future re-turns 50/50.

-100%-100% Public. Homeland-Securityies
For all to see. Like All Sports and Drama.
‘Two or more team-players layers no-one knows the-ending End(a)X(ed.). Equity Familial Firm
Company Limited Liabilityies. Business-Good.
‘Good? Business? Cruel.’
‘To be honest…’
‘Not-bought yet?’
‘Ah, Sales. Mort…en-gaged. The Deal, eh?’

  • No-doubt debt-increasing
    Profit-plateau homed honed.
    Just fine-tuned law financial-turned.
    To the Market and market(s).
    Flat-screen TV?
    What about that gadget? Bought or borrowed?
    Any other Property? Loans? Shares and Stocks. Rent. Insurance. Pay&Pension: Debit-CCredit: cash-flow no.’s on a screen:
    Stock-up savings invest(ed.) well-or-not by us all the time: our-selv(f)ves
    N-earing each day-each-week…
    ‘Each month…’
    Dozer-State re-fused Health and Social-Care
    Goods and Services…
    Housing rent&own-let:
    ‘That as well. Super Hyper-G Lobal-Market(s). What do You want to B-known for? Credit-
    Card ad-vance? You owe already…so, why not continue? EveryOne Does!’
    ‘Owe what, myself? Plus+What?’ to any and another cross-trading traffic immediately curtailed blue- green cross-trades as another parallel and crossing-tracks passed and rattled and rolled-over. Passenger and freight-lines. Passing like ships in the-perhaps moonlit-dark starlit night
    Passing that previous:
    ‘?Margins-called: Breaking-point.’
    ‘For: Profit(s)-only as in-creased debt and/or de-creased…’
    ‘Ambulance. Hospital-Politician Lawyer: bad-business…’
    Written-off, broken…
    ‘n. ever-exactly equals…N.’ crushes, exploits and
    ‘Take: take(s)over…’
    ‘silenced?’ skulked-skull sunken-eyes and lights turned-out.
    Screen left-on, referenced:
    ‘Markets Closed.’
    ‘For: Life. Markets Closed. For the Day.’
    ‘Until: Midday. Closed for Business.’
    The-Clerk, to the-Banker:
    ‘Close of Play?’
    ‘Time to Pay…’
    ‘Time to Play.’

  • The-Clerk moving around tapping-toes and hand-mumbling to-self or to the screen-talking unawares, into the earpiece-microphone re-placed wireless-lead: talking to someone? Talking to Who? Listening to what? Is that, singingalong? To what song? Singing? Singeing-Singapore? Who? Burning:
    ‘Watching, the-Game?’

  • Break-down plastic play-public dis-course social-media everyday every monotonous: momentous:
    Watched-in window-manifestation: manufactured: on-line news-updated…
    The-Banker puzzled at the-Clerk head-down, no-further eye-balling body-contact and The-Banker shuddered at the thought of The-Clerk maybe getting ahead of The Great-Game:
    ‘WarFair4.com pirac(y)ies banditry un-declared War. RE: Pent-up so-often, enough. You get to the top.
    First amongst equals, second to none.’
    ‘UN-declared: War.’
    ‘War? DeClar(ed.)? Warfare. For?’
    ‘Agreed. LoL Market-Bandits! Ha-ha. Got IT yet?’
    ‘So, there, you haven’t IT, yet.’
    ‘No, you haven’t got it! You have got ‘It’.’
    ‘What? The ball? Bail? the-outfield?’
    ‘The Umpires’ Whistle?’
    ‘Self-Managing the Game. Securit(y)ies calling:N/nnn…’
    ‘Time. PutT(s)-Stay(ed.)’
    nn to NN Metre-line! Out-the-Park! Dropping-down, the eyes, leaned slightly forward, looking in to-keenly:
    People-pricing…guidance…mortgage/rent…pay…skill(set(s)): HOME:
    Capital-(A)mount: Colonial-Crypto-Club: free-energy pixela(ted):
    Your-Balance-sheet: …
    > >Credit…plus/minus…Debit…indebted…to: Bank of You: password:
    <Balance-Book. Capital-Asset(s): list…to sell-off…then…to cover con-fusion…fission!

Co-Lateral: owed amounts: to: lists…out-goings…N/nnn…that-must be-have paid… WarFair5&6…
By Who? When? Why?
<Up-and-Down. Need-cash? because the-debt you started-with is the-one you’re stuck-with4Life.
May as well be…already worth-more or less-than one-second ago…not only increasing the-debt…but decreasing the chances…of-recovery…as the-likelihood probability of that-debt ever being paid-off… <Logistic(s): Other-Forcing your Currencyies to be de-valued:
Which means?
<Halved. You get less-for-more: for-example: when you spend your currency abroad on-Your-Imports

to Your-Country…then Y’our-(e)xports are priced-high to Others’

(E)x-ports container lorry truck parks and parts
You…as to yourself named: list:
<(I)m-ports that you need, are expensive, to you… >Only know what I need….
You can-afford them…
That You need to pay-off: Your Loans: list…and your…

Legionaire#OverDraft Slave


Mal(i)-Roman roaming once-upon-(a)- time.
Angola BootCamp
N/nnn…and buying the things you need from abroad…
Buy currencies? portable…
Sovereign Demo-Currencies?
Selling-Royal burning-Gold m-Chip!
<N0x Sox Plastic-Part(i)ulate M? <Buying-up stalled. Markets Closed. Blue-Chip. Bead-Trade winner.
Cash-account…in the bank… <
<Un-cashed…then: uncacheable…
The numbers stay the same… <
<The value(s) changed N/nnn…? <
I don’t know!
Why would I do that:
unless I was going on-holiday?!
< Git-IT!
On ‘Holiday’!
 Social-Democracy
 Religious Re-Publican
 Right/Left each…
 Health: Employment based@Bank::Exports/Imports: n/N not-N/n… <
<Government Bonds@Travelers-Check <
Tourism. Re-values…other <s against yours …N/nnn…printing more currency? < <Government: Welfare-Bonds. Housing…fair and safe.
Homeless Health&Social-Care. Securit(y)ies:a time when women were not-allowed out
Except exempt excerpting excreting over-fed in(s):Pow!(e)®ring
Quantitively-easing…like printing money… < <Inflationary? And Devaluing?!
<Buy privately(ed.) owned governmentbonds/debts unlimited but for agreement for government to write-off…
Debts: Nn…default with Dignity? <
<De-feat, with valour! <Ad-Mits De-Feat
De-values yours’ against them…in monetary-terms… <
<So, the monetary value of the currency against? Others < currency… <
Currency-Zone (CZ) <
<Yes. Or Country-Zones…
<What is owed Caesar is owned by Caesar what is Caesars’
Si(e)-ZED All: Federal-re-serves…
Be-Sieg(ed.) Re-ducing: N…n… < Exports: for currency and the stuff currency buys…this is more-
Im-portant than the actual goods < value of the goods… <
On: currency-list… <
<I want to trade for currency alone? <
What do you want to trade-for-currency?
GoTo: …
<The-Bank <s: list: For Goods? Stocks?
Servicing: National-Currency: list…
<Money? <
To pay-off the debt, loan-credit… <
<On-paper? <printing…
F(l)eet of
Clay…paper-plastic Concrete recycling reenforcing safest cheapest free! Be-Best
RE-cycling using remaking&creating
all-of us all the time… <No holds. barred…
Lost to the World.
Jimmy. John and Bob ‘Barclays’
Diamond. <Joe Dimon character: BLAIR middle-east peace ambassador4JPMORGAN
Lebedev Murdoch Rothermere
Punters lose- out
41% Cazenove Goldman-Sacks:
‘Temper in a Teapot!’
Box0Boss: good in the communityies nah!
Valuka’s Law.
 Zeno’s Arrows!
<Angelo ‘Countrywide’ Mozillo. Meryl, Ken and Hank.
< Treasury-Secretariat: Troubled Assist Relief Programme:
< Mortgage: bail-out…
Fraud! Inter-
Bank(s)… < New:
Start all over again! Like: Change-Trade:
OPEC Crown-Prince Princess-Price(s):

N/n… >Bailout:

For: Weapons of Boko-Haram
War: Plastic-Bandits
Quick aggressive move engineered through the Africa-Kaos!
Made: Random log-normal distribution:
Every-day else other-wise eternal-war.

  • Water-stress; Labour-market; Health&Safety Boardroom pay&Business Ethics, Morality or Good. Metrics against as versus Big-Tech@usual. Best Days are not History, yet. Barclays’ Familyies’ Mile smiling small-cap broker. Over-crowded Global Market(s): tiny-Rowland(s) Goldman Sachs JPM Serious Players.
    ‘Risk taking CEO Market disrupting abandoned like the Lion Crest in the Desert Volcanic Jungle to the Ocean.
    Take-overs multi-million billion quadrillion etc.
    Bonuses hard to understand grant you difficult especially if you cannot read and require a scriptor lawyer or priest. Outliers paying in financial-services
    Endo(w)ment: If you work in a biscuit-factory you smell of biscuit.
    If you work in a money-factory…
    Pay-proper clean-tax.
    Tax-ben(e) fit: wish-well and pay-tax, not.
    Media-Hotel bounce-back loan
    Giant Blackstone.
    Move-to: ramping-up suit-exposure exposu(i)(t)(€)
    2booming bombing busting
    Logistics Real-Estate MKT. approach.
    Share-surge pay-out possible cash-offer…
    PRICE-SHARE: N/nnnn…
    Auto-Travel&Spend: Management-platform apps: Entire Org. and beyond self&other
    Assurance Work-Force travelling in The-Way. Safest most sustainable and most-cost effective.
    RE-porting new thinking, new-model and new-tools.
    Bunny-Tree hugger walk the walk same fighting climate-crisis as there has been before.
    But, never b4 like this.
    Unique, Man-Kind in the Universe.
    Crisis-Change/Indignityies fatal-Cop not forced to lie-down face-some prison-rape.
    JPM Euro Super-Soccer League, failed, again, 2021. Failure-Fia(t)(s)Co. PPE/I crash WEALTH_TAX@under-valued share(s) buy-back cheap b4 the company riding-high crashing vert-vert low-median
    Ethical Funds accussed of de-ploying ‘GREENWASH’ ‘Aren’t we great!’ rubbish.
    To win-over investors and voters with known@lies
    ESG Environmental Social Governance, without the governance.
    LION TRUST difficult to-buy stakes bought-cheaply sold-quickly on bigging-up. Illiquid in the City-Jargon. Ill. External agencyies high scoring mining, oil&gas, airlines, money-gambling stack-markets, stock markets and goods, globally. AAA sustainable analytics…
    SHELL MISCI RIO-TINTO Barclays. Banks.
    Nat-West Education public/private school con-fusion
    Blowing-up. Buddha&Sacred
    Aboriginal-sites. First-Nation.
    IAG BA risk-flutters…
    Paddy-Power Bet-Fair BAT. Imperials IMPS im- peril SCM-direct: Trump(s)’ Cheney-Rumsfeld. Bush-Blair.
    NYC Tycoon activist whimpering battle
    Dumped entire-stake in the Banking-Giant.
    Flight-Price soars Travel: Green-list: RE-veal(ed.)).
    P{etty-Party rule(s) civil-war amid poll dis(a)ste(e)ring committee cheating flexing the battle-field. Apprenticed Citu Dogs body spy. AB InBev Brazil. Bank of You expects a bumper-year.
    For: The-Economy GDP Gross national-product:
    Fore-casting interest-ra0tes frozen@of: any-rate(s): un-employment benefits full-employment:
    RE-strictions lifted: Re-Gulation: downside risks…
    Variance-Analysis: RE=covery not get carried away sharp-drop
    Since 300 years. Service-sector pent-up de-mand.
    HIS Markit I-Cips
    Purchasing-Manager: Index reading…
    50+ Growth hiring-workers…
    Cyber ransom-ware(s)
    D: video
    E: video
    Conflict of Interest (CoI) Interest of Conflict (IoC)
    In bribery&corruption fraudulent business-deal(s)©information
    Emissions lied.
    Tax lied.
    RE lied.
    Winsome lose-some
    MORTAL-KOMBAT: in mortal-danger of falling asleep. Unleashing-City
    Country Q-shows back-in-business
    Snap-Poll: ID Poll-Tax Councils and Corporatils, Council-Corporation(s):
    Taxpayer backed National Westminster Glorious in Regina
    Online sales: re-privatising 7-million shares globally
    Dis-counted 59.8-54.8% 45.8% bailout loss of 38.8 billion £’s or $’s or Y’s
    Takeover and back-store in-store franchise chain transforming business new ways of living tourist-rates globally immigration and emigration and working our way to the top Citizen, Den(i)Zen. Home. We are all emigrants once and many many more times immigrants from islands to islands, crafted river to sea, sea to oceans seven.
    Oceans Eleven. Pan-Gaia&EarthCentre.
    On-screen: The Nation-Wide FREE-PORT: Country: Rational-Equitable…
    The Real-World: Supersubs: Euro/Dollar/Yuan-Mindi… Lending-for investment at a reasonable-return or simplyforegoing…foregoing…feigning…foreclosing…
    The Cash-Till: action:
    ‘To get Home.’
    ‘Labour Work-force: Share-scheme: Office&Industrial-Sector(s) full-employment welfare social-care democratic-state.’
    ‘Soviet Republic!’
    ‘China. Not like any other Domestic-Produce equals like4like ex(C)hange(s) agreed upon in
    Real-Time: Online and Public: Solar-battery: charging playing-cellphone(s):…’ The-Banker held onto the newspaper, brief- cased opened-screen. Sat-back where had been leaning-forward in some kind of reverie…
    Looked-over and stared the-Clerk directly in the eyes and between and around the other less-experienced in the ways of the world. Shiny-suited silver-grey not-dull charcoal. The Banker: a sharp-suited dull charcoalgrey Power-dresser almost un-noticed rotund in-parts like a tailors’ dummy sharp-suited, three-dimensional 4G strung-out as a puppet as to the Invisible-Puppeteer staged-and sound-designed as-seen self-mo(t)i(v)ated: Familyies’ Royale RE-Public
    Patronage-Politicians@Snr. Administrative-Management moving synchronous photographic phonographic form…textured breathed-in…and breathed-out…flavoured mo(v)ably moved: recruited:
    The Rational-Equitable: …
    <Hostaged…to fortune…exchanged:
    Terror-transformer: with Fear and anger: re-volt re-vulsion re-currance propelling political economic and Media-Pundit (MP): <Expert-Citizen… percitizen…the-Clerk clicked looking-down not into anguish or fear but deprecation with de-preciation:…
    Basics-required…restricted…: simplified independent advice-orphans Charging model…specific one-off advice: inherit pension-portfolio managed-fees…
    <Fix(ed.) re-entertainer or percentage-fee? Y/N?
    Y…for larger-amounts…
    <Less: transaction-fee-deal…through home and small-business and personal-credit grown on-screen bundled-up again: obliterating…un-traceable credit and… mortgage’s and un-paid-loans…swapping.
    Loans/debts….sent-to: confidential…. done. delete…deleting…
    List:…chosen: V*8::Done.
    Home? Furniture (including radio TV and all digital and analogue devises media and games:)? Food?
          <M. Police-Action against perceived incursion …conscripted to known-source named:…    

          <Water? Air?    
          >Evenly spread across Your Life.               <Lives? How many do You wish to Buy? list: …    
         >Everyones’ Lives?    

Selfish Objectivism? Does not-compute: The Panic of 2008: does…
< 2021: Objective selfishness… >Subjective unselfishness…
unselfish Objectivism…computing all possibilities: now…
The-Banker taken a-back.
Beneath-what were actually Gold-Gilt Bold CAPITAL-type caption-topping and a clearly no-longer tumultuous Stock-Market re-called.
The-Banker gradually and all too quickly, and suddenly and readily now recalling: implicitly getting-now, the pitiful irony of the newspaper headline:
and the photo-graph below.
Taken, without permission, who would be-have asked? For: permission?
To the-Banker, now again, forcibly revealed, for the first-time, by the-Clerk, perhaps, notoriously, not only into short-term future un-safe memory but now also into open closed-consciousness sight as of vision:
<Access Denied…
‘As of this morning…’
‘Can’t do anything about that. Has already happened. What’s done is done.’
‘It’ is what IT is. (i)T. (i)(t).’
‘The Worlds’ Markets’ un-doing…’
‘Is what IT…’

  • Awakening as in a pent-up fury-raging invoked from the vestiges of the evening-prior:
    ‘A-Phoenix!’ speech-bubbled spoken outloud!
    SHOUTED? to rise out of the ashes…
    Trimmed-wings is, what the-Clerk thought:
    ‘Business-as-Usual!’ both: looking-out of the still-moving outside-window:
    ‘There is to be a Declaration this morning…’
    ‘Mid-Day. Now, Inter-National Meantime…this-will stabilise the-markets…’
    ‘At some-lower-rate….’
    ‘’Others’’ automatically-Higher?’
    ‘And, and that is the-thing! What ‘We’ will do is…’
    ‘Simply re-align currenc(y)ies.’ the-Clerk interrupted as if boring into the brain of the other eye-contact.
    As if to satisfy some-lust or in-built hidden hat-red un-avoidable as both, even as an idle-interlocutor:
    ‘’We’? Same-thing 41/59%? Equity?’
    ‘100% of-course! Private. Confidential. Between. Us.’#
    ‘Bluffing?’ 0% at a moment of National&Global concern:
    ‘At another relatively higher-point…’
    ‘Or more?’
    ‘You got it!’
    ‘No, you got it. And start all-over again at: some higher-lower point…You give me the-nod on prices drop of one thing and another and I will do the rest, get me? Now then, those debts, who they with? R/E? O.K.? Right here, right now…’ as issuing some oratory de-clarative

Without clue of real-(i)mp(l)(i)©at-ion:

Enter: Dis-rupt:
‘Known. Collateral-damage?’
‘Un-intentional con-sequences?’

  • Like: lie un-usually honest seeming-politician(s)
    As yet un-aware of their own-truth. As truth may be once-truth. Only that made-up by-themselves&other(s)…if there were such a thing…as honesty ready to be barracked.
    To others’…a-massing troops militia across countryside and finally into: The-City de-preciating de-precating and Self-deprecating and yet, as anyone appreciating of themselves deceiving of-themselves.
    Implied deappreciation of the-other by-self to-self and other appears. With the opportunity presented, as an explanation of the rise to euphemistic national-state religious-glorification yet also, thereby pre-emptive fall-from grace: albeit: only ever temporarily as in National or Global-leadership ever: Oligarchic-Presidential Royal not-pauper
    Paper Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
    Hu-Man commodityies:
    ‘As in current circumstances as currency-accounting4Exchequer’ as simplicity…’
    ‘‘It’self and without which
    @‘It’ would all be re-solved today:
    Banker. F(a)m(i)l(y) Business Merchant Investment-Banker Business Free-
    Trader Independent Wiki-leaked:
    ‘DEEP-STATE: flawed-Lawyer.’
    ‘Anywhere in the FREE-World.’
    ‘Mean(s): Free-Trade-Initiative of -course. Of course. The warnings’ given…’
    ‘How taken?’
    ‘Too-late. For that. Proven-Negative…Equity, yourself?
    ‘Warnings un-heard un-heeded.’
    ‘Unstoppable! After the event…’
    ‘And hold that Front-Page!’ that nevertheless now could only now be seen from the-Clerks’ supposed, and likely derisive, and probably gloating, satirical perspective.
    Stalled. Climate-warnings…
    Raised State-Farm Warnings
    On the side screen-panels rapidly ab-sorbed ad-sorb(ed.) concerning the latest sports and business-media soccer superstars and of the silver-screen:
    TV Celebrity-Star: Photo of stage&screen religiously-inoculated as-to:
    ‘Keep-up with the-Markets.’
    ‘Keep-up with the…’
    ‘Other.’ through theft, and violence, on TV.
    Obesity-meals fluffed, plucked, personal-value, emotionally-in distress, in a consumer-hazed blazing marketingcharacteristics: gentle-gentile
    Atheist-Kapitalism, rough Liberal/Socialism, gentle-Socialism rough-Communism: as loan- sharks encircling the flotsam-jetsum flotation-tank, propitious-publicity, canary in a cage.
    Of the photogenic In-crowd the IT-crowd and for the crowd of passengers generally-un-attainable photo-genia.
    Un-obtainable@ and the®€fore-to be utterly-loathed or loved in equal unequal measure.
    Perhaps, as well as envied for art or wealth, or both; and thus, taken a part-of: most alarming of all the guileless, seemingly-misguided, business trusted-bought: guilt-by-association and must be brought2Justice. #6 The-Newspaper-Owner: Media-Magnate. Peoples’ Voice. Now the even more incongruously, and mischiefmaking paradox-inducing intent, of a supposed-Ally. Fences for stollen goods. Border(s)4PEOPLE
    Not-Enemy. Anyway, not-yet, anyway:
    The Tycoon Plastics-proprietor. The Media-Mogul Magnate-Oligarch
    Lords&Ladies Lands’ Empirical Pseudo-Sleuth
    Commodityies (Psych0-E©(y)ies)
    Fine old art wheeler-dealer and owner.
    With-whom…only maximizing apparent prospective-Profit matters…
    Golf&Gold may have been shared-interests and at least and a singularly badly-shared literary-joke: this is not charity! Laughing together. Not laughing together.
    ‘With-in fluence…’ still marking cards, making-detergent, soap, or string-balls strung-out:

9 Narrative-Empire: whatever it was it mattered not what

Colonial Imperial-purge of familyies and other familyies for their own and
often their own too
until there was no-one re-maining except the-self.
Find space in your plans to pay-off your debts
Tech-debts adding-up
Upgrading pervasive previous version
No-longer oil-burning
Midnight-Oil. Nuclear-fusion fission-batteries
Cool-New heat-reducing
Later(a)tion laceration of generic-genetic
Switch-gear to a nat(ur)ally cir-cul(a)ting-economy
Credited and de-bited
(I)(n)-usage output and productivity
From the start artificial-odour
Peoples’ prevention-of-pandemic
In-future debt-saving
Freely available non-commercial forests and oceans for geo/bio-diversity
Digital vaccine
Grown sustainably across all society
The globe exchanged for a better world all(a)round.
Squared the circle, oblong orbits none perfect but all better for the next-turn in space-travel and settlement exploiting resources only not-people not too-many
En-masse but individually.
Relationships of emotional and pragmatic innocence not-questioning rather than authoritarian-demanding through actions and configuring landscapes’ language-plans made-together and with retro(s)pec(t)(i)(v)(e)ly(e) learning
Producing our-own energy from waste-fertilising compost-caking the fields medicinally un-contaminate un-polluting run-off all toxic-plastic re-manufactoring re-cycling with re-generating road-surface railing-trucks…
Bio-food film and edible packaging:
Stocks and Goods Market(s):

Metal/Mineral quantity&quality in-populations better-off and less populous with the catastrophic genocidal effects of

Global-Heating above bearable limits, or below, the fragile
Factory-Farm: Human-Race the warring-species friend&family competition and co-working operations…
Infecting-virus circular ring-molecular
Triple-Carbon Deuterium Tritium…
Copying transcripts and algorithms’ ratios
(I)m(m)une to some in-cursion
Evading or avoiding of others’ (I)(n)(f)€)©ted multiplying millions2Quadrillion Septillion soon to-be Huit, Nerf&Dix(i)llion billion(s): Femto atto zepto yocto Of small and relatively-Giant cells over-riding systems incursions of the web spiders waiting to nourish cadaver asleep or dead-dry cold in the wind-blowing glaring-Sun.
Across electric-charged membrane charging-cells within working RNA DNA ATP every previous present-Generation-coded for enzymes proteins binding nucleic bloods and atmospheric-airline transferring bacterium active energy metabolism the-globe itself, and we, prokaryotes, us, ourselves.
Manipulating a host meta-bolism corralling germ-line eggs and sperm separately centring fighting fishing in a barrel ring where the rules are clear in-linguistic theory not so practicing experimental lifetimes passing-down un-taught un-teachable only to learn-all over again&again the rules-changing to not-rules.
The Legal&General Express Times Telegraphed from The Sun. NewsofTheWorld. Daily-Mail
P-E sent: memorific with body-brains’ neural-particles
Ep(i)genetic obviously into each uniquely genetic-life and livelihood generational activism
Colonic polyps peaked burst remaining to build molecular-cells within and without toxicwaste to harm we fertilising and feed the land inside-out outside-in.
The Earth. Rock and watery gases, life, livelihood organic sustainable farming and factorial product manufacturing ourselves from the beginning and we have the One-Earth now to be post lost-costs…
Heat-energy generated contain(ed.) and cooling air-conditioning set-constantly according to need&ability for-changing for the better-life of-all like the good-book(s) say…

Each un(i)que as must-be mis-interpretation re-presentation Each of us every moment how our RNA/DNA and our brains’ make us to adapt-or-not ourselves continuously to changing circumstance, all the experience shared and new, we have in the world. Barrier-walls perforated within walls the tree-canopy is much like a cauliflower-brain in that its’ shape is formed by branches&leaves twigs, nuts and flowers.
Pathways and canals, brain-blood, muscle-veins and roots. Like the maxed-out mined-out and left rusting-belts
minimal minerals and Ourselves renewing and renewable through lifetimes of
Good-Living with-out Bad-Faith and with: Personal-(I)ntegrity felt-(e)xistential.
The no-longer permanent perm(a)frost… un-equal recovery is not-ne-go(t)(i)able anymore, only equal as we do everything, our bodies within and without non-negotiable. Sharing the burdens stresses and strains of modern-life pumping money into markets emerging emergency-support programmes’ credit-roll support zero-interest rates not-negative lending and borrowing over-time payback playback mas-productivity working domestic/public gross and not-gross enjoyable and not the secret of eternal-life storing-up resilience in-sleep and daily-sport.
Un-armed armed-surveillance unveiling scattering tribes re- distributing in the populations of generations to hide for when ready. Although ‘It’ did hold. Betrayer. Traitor. Be-traying even in-spiteful supposedly en-laserlightfull little BIG-threat whenever not-making-out placed neither cause nor principle people alterable plastid flex(i)(a)bilityies.
At the end of the day: when push-comes-to-shove no-one is or ever was your-Ally.

Not even, your friend, not even your-family.

We are on-line bubbles&brands of Giant Corporations with only CFO finance at their core.
Their customers nothing but dis-rupting innovation stuck in the now-failed again, ways of old.
Here. RE. di-vesting from the environmentally-destructive to in-vesting in the environmentally re-constructive in our image no-longer factory-farming
Farming factories feeding the world, or not; in peace not- eternal digital pixelate workfare robotics…
Genes aren’t destiny.
Only-One Race. Wo! Hu-Man.
RE: de-fining species amongst each other viral
Pro-tected protecting bio-mess…
Adapt(ed.) first mutate maturate later contemporary survival of the fittest and pluckiest
Vertical and Horizontal-vision standing in-water and out.
Social-Evolvability developmental-bias
Bio-traits en-tangling knotted
First then all dis-entangling cladistics
Mon(o)para natural-fibrous cloth(ed.)
Poly-phyletic now taxonomic hybrid anarchy #adaptation(s) bias-coded into the in-sect machine.
Emotional relationships motivating broad-pursuit of-purpose
Process-productivity engineering social re(s)ponse
Intel. Comms. Can’t risk becoming an intel. Risk
Faster and faster camera chasing droning in-genius remarkable dedicat(ed.):
All is Risk!

Team-Spirited Zoo.

Bailed-out, again. Industrial Technological Re-Volution: The Genius of Free Markets (GoFM) to make Rational Equitable Decisions (REDs)…Complex Choice(s)-Capital Tech. RE-tail Industrial Mighty
CCs-CT.RE-tail industrial-mightyies!
Bailed-out again, or not this time
From the false-accounting phone-tapping mess.
From: Power, Corruption and Lies…simple rate-setting
Bit-Coin Doge-Premium
Protection rackets
Rocketing Space-Debts
Amazon non-Profit(s):N(n):N/nnn perhaps before anyone had tumbled…tumbled-in could have, at least,
perhaps seen IT coming. Could-have, perhaps should-have, acted with even-handed propriety, notoriety, perhaps?
‘Post. Suicidal!! Paedophile Rapists Murderous.’
‘In-Jail Hospital…’
‘Market-Forces alone…’
Acting, sustained stai(n)(ed.)
Known in -the-moment and therefore deliberate lies libel-language known intent-to withhold/mislead Peoples’ Law. Peoples’ Justice. Acting-for as-if with assumed-impunity and as-usual un-even im-proprietyies’
Summo(n)s(ed.)-up and convince(ed.) and therefore convicted in-their absence-of-wit…
The- Editorial Traitors!
Of the NEWS-Truth Game:
The Public:
Closing-in. Closing-in…
’Markets Closed. Close-them down? I would! Taken-Over! For-Free!’
‘No more Hand-Outs!’ let slip:
‘No more Bail-outs? Benefits who?’
‘This Be-n(I)fits Peoples’ Friends&Familyies.’
‘Loyaltyies Card-carrying Voters…’
‘Them, as well.’
‘Shot. RE-training Employment Re-cycling…’
‘Doing what we do…’
‘By and 4whom?’
‘Soldier Super-Power:’
‘The Worker(s) up-standing..’
‘Workers? Anyone who Works for Proletariats’ Super-Power! Bonus! Earned Universal-Credit for (A)b(i)l(i)t(i)es in life…’
Credit: Social- communications…pathogenic-Media Biome.
Utopian Central-Control
Free-Market Nightmare
Unre-gulated… de-regulated: uncouth liars advertising fake emissions-testing positive-negatives and no negative-positives:
‘The-Works…’ freely-given…taken-back by builders and makers of community&home:
True-Trusted Trader.
Free. Solar Wind%Water
Real: Free-Trade…Fair-Trade. Trade-Fair.
The: Rational-Equitable
> The Rational-Equitable…
Funereal business only.
(I)n:War: Femto atto zepto yocto
I’m A Re-Fugee legal/illegals let them rot/starve/leave without work #I’m Out:Of-here…
Advertising-Wars. RE-placed MS: endless form-filling
Dis-placed Visa: Rational-Equitable: Corporate-Capital:
‘Let ‘em know you’re there…’

  • Infra-structure and maintenance:treated as if terrible animals
    Xtreme violence threat tortured trained4this beaten into their brains and others’ bruised and battered bodies eventually-dead.
    Try to understand your worst enemyies intentions threat-perspective different humanity different soul different but, so? As-to-what?
    Aren’t we all, bigoted fearful of other-them considered considering always the threat the lack 0f freedom: <LowtoN0-pay! Waste-Costs means minimalize-costs N/nnn…

Re-cycled Sustainable.
< RE-Duced… RE-used #workers’ lowest-pay un-wittingly alleged not un-known: Low4no cost! < Land? >Renewables… <Oil.
<Pure-Plastic pollution…
 Steel&Glass
 Gold&Brick  MonstrOCityies!
Expulsion from/to the surrounding countrysides brutal but to the point of deaths in custody sus-picious of crime, know military hate-fear training work(ed.): City Gaol. Sports Stadia millions of bodies stacked-up adults&children driven over the edge captured collected all the money&valuables they could carry Army-dozers as the diseased farm animals burned&buried thrown as sacks into mass-communal graves.
<As:If:nothing had happened.

  • The relief on a Childs’ face clouded-eyes when they are dead, the relief on a parent’s face; when they are dead.
    Sick financial compensation4Life.
    Hope2fear of forced return of migrants’
    Countryside and Cities made uncomfortable an aura of
    Over, never.
    In death the terror is gone, the terror we all carry with us every day, but do not have this common-fact reminded of ourselves every second of every day.
    Privileged, the world is a terrifying place, and wondrous at the same time, reminded strongly everyday
    ‘isms…constant reign of dis-illusion-ment…
    Ant hill, tent hill all the way along the hills and ridges range(s) away from the Cityies where People had lived and born, played not for long, worked and played plagued re-creations of oursel(f)ves dry&warm damp-inside outside dry from the-Sun…
    Collecting what tree-wood there was left, what root and field-crops they could and returning as exiles or exiles returning, it mattered not, it was Worlds’ carrying-on.
    Murder in the Church, carry-on.
    Disaster diseases, viral-vectors carry-on…
    Warnings ignored.
    Carry-on. Writing on the chalkboard…
    Leaving the factory-homes
    Nurseryies&schools and hospitals behind
    With vehicles’ road run-out of.
    Charged un-re-fined leaded fuel littering the highways
    Bodies at the curb-side
    That is not what it was like; like, an overwhelming force against a peaceful crowd
    The Internal Security Forces were told nothing but trouble-makers drug-addicts&alcoholic no-Social Care
    All social-care and some de-finition of other-withering that deserved to-die for the false-flag…
    Nationalist Cause&Principles beyond Communist/Capitalist dictators…
    Dinosaur birdsong protecting their territory finding a mate to rape, beaten into threat of violent re-tribution submission, awful…
    The virtual-Slave workplace
    Servant-wage workforce
    Lived and got-pregnant and died at work.
    Tech-taken Tunes: Times-Radio
    Killed died as directed
    Stage-left stage-right
    Innovate patently
    A steal
    The Universal Question:
    OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cash: money-box opened as
    Pandoras’ Promethean
    Grifters both unlike the godlike royal…

• A grifter is a con artist: someone who swindles people out of money through fraud. If there’s one type of person you don’t want to trust, it’s a grifter: someone who cheats others out of money. Grifters are also known as chiselers, defrauders, gougers, scammers, swindlers, and flim-flam men.

• Graft late Middle English graff, from Old French grafe, via Latin from Greek graphion ‘stylus, writing implement’ (with reference to the tapered tip of the scion), from graphein ‘write’ (grɑːft, græft)
. UNCOUNTABLE NOUN In politics, graft is used to refer to the activity of using power or authority to obtain money dishonestly.
[mainly US]…another politician accused of graft.
More Synonyms of grafter
COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.
Copyright © HarperCollins Publisher

Also by M.Stow:
WarFair4: The Day the Market(s) finally collapsed…part two
Walter Mepham: A First World War true family personal story (on Love, Family and War&Peace).
EarthCentre:The End of the Universe (An Anthropic Odyssey)
Universal Verses
Pan Tan-Gou
Arctol & other short novels, stories and poetry…
All copyright@M.Stow.2020 all rights reserved
m.stow11@wordpress.com audio pictorial podcast EARTHCENTRE: WARFAIR4.com https://anchor.fm/s/5323578c/podcast/rss

  • ‘FREE&FAIR!’ Confirm owner | Breaker

WarFair4: The Day the Market(s) stood still…part-one:
Rogue-Citizen: Into The Abyss… Global-Citizen.


Copyright M.Stow©2017 M.Stow All rights reserved.
Distributed by Anchor Google Apple Spotify Breakfm
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may be given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional free copy for each person you share it with. As you are reading this book:
Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. M.Stow 2019.
ISBN13: 9798562679352

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YOUTUBE.com m.stow11

WarFair4: The Day the Market(s) stood still…
Rogue-Citizen: Into The Abyss… Global-Citizen.

  1. She.
  2. They.
  3. He.
  4. The Banker and The Clerk.
  5. Factory Hospital and Home.
  6. The Accident & Emergency Department.
  7. Wrecking-Ball.

Part Two

  1. Titanic!
  2. Avatar.
  3. Cannon Fodder.
  4. Rent.
  5. Slaughter.
  6. Brute Justice
  7. Global-Den(i)Zen


If the man and the woman bear their fair share of work, they have a right to their fair share of all that is produced by all, and that share is enough to secure them well-being. What we proclaim is The Right to WellBeing: Well-Being for All! Pyotr Kropotkin (1842 – 1921) The Conquest of Bread; Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution.

  • The-train engine slowly moved-out from the glass and steel raised-slab new edge-of-Town main-line high-speed railway-platform running alongside the banking blank back of high-street shops, and the station carpark, awaiting return. Into harvested-fields and open-grazed pastures below remaining precipitous pine-forest alongside planted poplar windbreak, solar and shielded, rail and river. Through the trees, the new days’ sun appeared, speared, blinking-awake burst through the carriage breaking beyond the blue grey staged and staggered, rolled and ranged. From the east-peaked, settling yellow-orange onto the western-hills.
    Shadow-flanking purple-green valleys, and upcountry the grid-framed farmed plains, where the day was
    already begun. Grey-white steam lifted across a drying-up estuary. In thin rain spluttering over an elevated iron-riveted painted girder-bridge, built-on pillars of a deep-red
    local stone and brickwork, arched, and breached. With the Suns’-rays the train rattled-on emergent, as through a fog-over a beached river, onto
    the other-side of a ravenous gaping-gorge. Over-spilling through the outskirts of a more recently built-up ancient sea-harbour and river-port, and
    suburban edge-of-Town. High-Rise Housing-Project, Industrial-Units, Business-Park, and Shopping-Mall. Home-Furniture. Motor-Car showrooms. Salesrooms, cheap-hotel and motel linked razor-wire fenced, chained-in. A horse-paddock, gated and padlocked, adjacent to a blue-green to red-waiting train-crossing signal. Freight-Train, privileged-over passenger passaged prerogative thundering-by… passenger-Train trundling alongside for now, beside a chequered yellow and black no entry arterial hot tar road weighted heavy and ever busy with ‘bus and coach, cycle and motor-cycle. Car engine chassis and trailer, caravan motor-home articulated juggernaut vehicles, goods and stocks’ container shipments onboard.
    Onto and beneath the over-passing concrete-highway into, and out of Town. All traffic travelling with almost one accord: to-and-from galvanized corrugated iron-steel and zinc-tin roved roofing, between brick and- cinderblock doorways, loading and unloading bays beneath open canopy entrance letter and number laser bar- coded, and secured. Office(s)&Home(s) air-extracting for the most-part to the outside world unseen. Windowless factories and warehouses between belching cooling-tower, pylon-linking electric-welding workshop engineering, factory-crafted machined and handmade goods. Food and furniture, packaged, warehoused, and shipped virtually to-and-from The-City
    Ports and Portals’ co-modifying in-return.
    Stockyards stacked-up and in-exchange
    Goods&value-assured awaiting transport: to-and-from

Part One: The Day the Markets stood still…
Published at M.Stow11.Wordpress.com

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